traducido por Federico Dilla
me ha parecido una gran reflexión y por eso la quiero compartir
I have found it a great reflection and that's why I want to share
That thing called friendship
Slowly the sun gets its way through the clouds encapotan heaven. However, through the thick blanket of treetops finds it harder to its rays. Here and there, where there are gaps in the wilderness, the forest floor lights similar to the windows that illuminate an ancient cathedral. Sitting on a fallen silent and motionless trunk begin to glimpse the small inhabitants of this forest. At the top of a tree, a woodpecker watching me curious. On the ground, fluttering in the bushes, a flock of chickadees. Agateando by the bark of an oak, seeking his breakfast, Pixie authentic street, a nuthatch ...
I find myself lost in the forest of Thuringia, in the former East Germany, and I already warned a German West: the former GDR is a country that is far from here. But are not your birds and oaks that have brought me here. But a lost friendship for years and I have been trying to recover. The reasons why we distance does not matter. What matters is whether we can resume our relationship and if it is forgotten what happened so long ago. Traveling only gives you plenty of time to eat the jar and between a train and a plane, one wonders why they call it friendship.
To find a definition we can start by eliminating things that look like it but they are not.
For example, those wonderful sunsets presentations and intense phrases: "Friendship is when you feel someone touches your heart with her fingers." I'm afraid your cardiologist will never be your friend.
Also rule out co-addled, parties and various peos. The friendship that gives us away drinking alcohol hangover.
Coworkers with whom you can spend years together, telling until your first time and when the shipment arrives not see again hair. Deleted cases like these I still have a good group of people who came to mean a lot in my life and a good day went without. Friendships Youth hardly survive at 30. After this age, many already paired and moved to a new phase of their lives, superior apparently, where paired with barbecue, dog dish, more less a child, friendship it hurts. For this system I lost half a dozen friends. But perhaps they were not. According to the priest of my people: "Do not cry for the lost friendship because you had never".
A friend who still resists me tells me that no importance. Each takes his path in life and this can distance ourselves. But in today's world of emails, facebook and guachap seems like a pretty weak excuse. A friend who had disappeared and reappeared, assures me that although we are not in contact, I can always count on him. And another friend, on which I still wonder we have in common after all these years, believes that life filtered known and, ultimately, will have a hand that will always be there.
Maybe there to have much in common with someone to strengthen friendship, but removing a frikiamigo, share with the rest few things besides friendship.
Little or a lot in common, little or much contact ...
Perhaps the great friendships are forged at the beginning. If the intensity with which you took the relationship I joined forever. So to say of those who, little by little, I have delved and are now indispensable in your life. And the brothers ?, can be considered friends ?, friendship can be seen above the family ?, What unites more family ties or friendship ?.
What if all our viewpoint is wrong ?. What if friendship, relationship you establish with someone is not as we think ?. A friend mainline once told me that love is a selfish feeling. Crave possess someone to cover your needs but do not stop to think about theirs. Then a friendship can break if the image that we had forged a friend vanishes and discovered his true face, neither better nor worse, just the face of a stranger.
All I can conclude is that you never know until the end if that person you just met is still there, close to you, after all the years. And that's what I wonder now about to attempt to repair that broken friendship. There have been many years of unpleasant moments and I'm not Fray Luis de León. I will not return from prison to resume my classes with, "... as we said yesterday."
This was a turning point for me. And in this new start up I do not foresee how far in my life will reach this new old friendship.
Perdido me hallo en la selva de Turingia, en la antigua Alemania del Este, y ya me advirtió un alemán del Oeste: la ex-RDA es un país que está muy lejos de aquí. Pero no son sus pájaros y sus robles los que me han traído hasta aquí. Sino una amistad perdida hace años y que he venido intentando recuperar. Las causas por las que nos distanciamos no importan. Lo que importa es si podemos retomar nuestra relación y si está olvidado aquello que pasó hace tanto tiempo. El viajar solo te da mucho tiempo para comerte el tarro y entre un tren y un avión, uno se pregunta que es eso que llaman amistad.
Para encontrar una definición podemos empezar por eliminar las cosas que se le parecen pero no lo son.
Por ejemplo, esas maravillosas presentaciones con puestas de Sol y frases intensas tipo: "La amistad es cuando sientes que alguien te toca el corazón con los dedos". Me temo que tu cardiólogo nunca será tu amigo.
Descartamos también compañeros de juergas, fiestas y peos varios. La amistad que da el acohol nos la quita la resaca.
Compañeros de trabajo con los que puedes pasar años juntos, contándoles hasta tu primera vez y cuando llega el traslado no los vuelves a ver el pelo. Eliminados casos como estos aún me quedan un buen grupo de personas que llegaron a significar mucho en mi vida y un buen dia se fueron sin más. Las amistades de juventud difícilmente sobreviven a los 30. Pasada esta edad, muchos ya se emparejan y pasan a una nueva fase de sus vidas, superior al parecer, donde en el pareado con barbacoa, perro y parabólica, más menos un niño, la amistad está de más. Por este sistema he perdido a media docena de amigos. Aunque tal vez no lo fueran. Según el cura de mi pueblo: "No llores por la amistad perdida, porque nunca la tuviste".
Tal vez haya que tener mucho en común con alguien para afianzar la amistad, pero quitando a un frikiamigo, con el resto pocas cosas comparto, aparte de la amistad.
Poco o mucho en común, poco o mucho contacto...
Quizás las grandes amistades se fraguan al comienzo. Si la intensidad con que tomasteis la relación os unió para siempre. Entonces, que decir de esos que, poco a poco, te han ido calando y son ya imprescindibles en tu vida. ¿Y los hermanos?, ¿se pueden considerar amigos?, ¿se puede considerar la amistad por encima de la familia?, ¿qué une más, los lazos familiares o los de la amistad?.
Lo único que se puede concluir es que nunca sabrás hasta el final si esa persona que acabas de conocer seguirá ahí, cerca de tí, al cabo de los años. Y eso es lo que me pregunto ahora sobre esa amistad rota que intento reparar. Han sido muchos años de momentos desagradables y yo no soy fray Luis de León. Yo no volveré de la prisión a retomar mis clases con un: "... como decíamos ayer".