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jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014
Where does the term and how many times "useful fool" the you can apply to yourself?
Where does the term and how many times "useful fool" the you can apply to yourself?
Adolfo Rivero Caro
One of the attractions of the Communist Party Lenin was conceived by its highly elitist character. The party defined itself as "the conscious and organized vanguard of the working class." But what gave the communist vanguard party that character? It was, of course, knowledge of historical materialism, the theory supposedly scientific, about the "laws" of development of society. Equipped with it, any militant could not be explained only as a social problem may exist but could also know the practical solution of it. It's not as difficult as it seems. The root of all social problems was the existence of social classes and therefore the cure of all was at the disposal of them. The expropriation of the bourgeoisie would allow the elimination of "the exploitation of man by man." That required a tremendous cure social revolution to be carried out by militants devoted party. The consciousness of belonging to a group started in esoteric knowledge was one of the great attractions of the Communist Party.
Unlike the traditional political parties, members of the military had to Leninist party in an organism's party, attend meetings and fulfill their agreements. Take responsibility for their militancy was no easy task. It meant facing the hostility of the social classes that were not willing to accept the need for a social settlement associated too often with physical settlement. Hence the Communists were surrounded by many people, but to share their ideas, were not willing to share the drawbacks of the party membership. They were, of course, despised by the true revolutionaries. However, they were willing to perform tasks and, over time, the Communists discovered their immense utility. Without being communists, and even disagreeing in some senses comrades had the same positions on many important issues. Why? Because they were honest, the party said. Because they would not let bribed by the bourgeoisie and imperialism. These supporters could be taken as a tangible example of the force. the truth. They were very helpful. So much so that, in a moment of weakness, to Lenin escaped the phrase "useful idiots". Indeed, for the Communists, not stop being fools besides cowards. Fools because they resigned to be mere instruments, because they served the party's goals deliberately seeking social revolution, but indirectly, seeking the satisfaction of minimum partial objectives: peace and the rights of blacks, Indians, hunchbacks, lefties or any other causes which, for the true revolutionaries, only served as pretexts, such as crack forms of society, weaken the status quo and thereby facilitate social revolution.
Over time, the communists came up with the idea of organizing these supporter of causes: those concerned about peace, concerned for fascism or groups with alleged specific problems such as youth workers or women. Military in one of these groups allowed to participate in the struggles of their communist without running risks. He praised them as combatants killed while being stimulated with numerous perks such as trips, scholarships and publication of their works. But what moved basically was nothing material but the atavistic feeling of the group, of the tribe. What was horrified the modern world: the fierce competition in the market.
Now, what has been done and have gotten those where parallel organizations of the Communist Party? What members of the World Federation of Trade Unions, the World Peace Congress, the International Union of Students, the World Federation of Democratic Youth, the Women's International Democratic Federation and others like it are currently engaged, created, subsidized and manipulated over decades by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ?. Incredibly these organizations have not disappeared. Still active. There are still those who financed. For example, we have these meetings are held as often in Havana. The last was the International Meeting of Solidarity between Women who participated in more than 2,000 delegates from 75 countries.
What was discussed at this meeting? Same as always. The bad thing is neoliberalism. "The socio-political system of Cuba and characteristics of its democracy and scientific and technological development. () And, of course," Consequences of Bacteriological Warfare against Cuba "...
This meeting was closed by Fidel Castro on 17 April in a speech of more than four hours. Fidel said that capitalism ... "is doomed by history ..." "What devouring imperialism, which developed capitalism, devouring neoliberalism devours, if not human flesh? Dramatically asked the Cuban dictator. With startling originality called the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank as "ministries of economy and finance of Yankee imperialism."
As noted by Reuters cable, delegates cheered Castro numerous times and one of them shouted: Fidel I love you! Same 0le shouted Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and Ho Chi Min. And Pol Pot. And Daniel Ortega, the incestuous. The world may change but the useful idiots and political clientele of socialism will never end.
¿De dónde viene la expresión "Tonto útil" y cuántas veces te la puedes aplicar a tí mismo?
Adolfo Rivero Caro
Uno de los atractivos del Partido Comunista concebido por Lenin era su carácter eminentemente elitario. El partido se definía a sí mismo como "la vanguardia organizada y consciente de la clase obrera". Pero ¿qué le daba al partido comunista ese carácter de vanguardia? Era, por supuesto, el conocimiento del materialismo histórico, la teoría, supuestamente científica, sobre las "leyes" del desarrollo de la sociedad. Equipado con la misma, cualquier militante no sólo podía explicarse cuanto problema social pudiera existir sino que también podía conocer la solución práctica del mismo. No es tan difícil como parece. La raíz de todos los problemas sociales estaba en la existencia de las clases sociales y, por consiguiente, la cura de todos ellos se hallaba en la eliminación de las mismas. La expropiación de la burguesía permitiría la eliminación de "la explotación del hombre por el hombre". Esa cura formidable requería de una revolución social, a ser llevada a cabo por los abnegados militantes del partido. La consciencia de pertenecer a un grupo iniciado en un conocimiento esotérico era uno de los grandes atractivos del Partido Comunista.
A diferencia de los partidos políticos tradicionales, los miembros del partido leninista tenían que militar en un organismo del partido, asistir a sus reuniones y cumplir sus acuerdos. Asumir la responsabilidad de esa militancia no era tarea fácil. Significaba enfrentar la hostilidad de las clases sociales que no estaban dispuestas a aceptar la necesidad de una liquidación social asociada, con demasiada frecuencia, con una liquidación física. De aquí que los comunistas estuvieran rodeados de muchas personas que, aunque compartieran sus ideas, no estuvieran dispuestas a compartir los inconvenientes de la militancia partidaria. Eran, por supuesto, despreciados por los verdaderos revolucionarios. Sin embargo, estaban dispuestos a cumplir tareas y, con el tiempo, los comunistas descubrieron su inmensa utilidad. Sin ser comunistas e, inclusive, discrepando en algunos sentidos de los camaradas, tenían las mismas posiciones ante diversos importantes problemas. ¿Por qué? Porque eran honestos, decía el partido. Porque no se dejaban sobornar por la burguesía y el imperialismo. Estos simpatizantes podían ser tomados como un ejemplo palpable de la fuerza de. la verdad. Eran muy útiles. Tanto que, en un momento de debilidad, a Lenin se le escapó la frase: "tontos útiles". En efecto, para los comunistas, no dejaban de ser tontos además de cobardes. Tontos porque resignaban a ser simples instrumentos, porque no servían los objetivos del partido deliberadamente, buscando la revolución social, sino indirectamente, buscando la satisfacción de mínimos objetivos parciales: la paz o los derechos de los negros, de los indios, de los jorobados, de los zurdos o cualquier otra causa que, para los verdaderos revolucionarios, sólo servían como pretextos, como formas de resquebrajar la sociedad, debilitar el status quo y facilitar de esa forma la revolución social.
Con el tiempo, a los comunistas se les ocurrió la idea de organizar a estos simpatizante por causas: los preocupados por la paz, los preocupados por el fascismo, o por grupos con supuestos problemas específicos, como los jóvenes, los obreros o las mujeres. Militar en uno de estos grupos permitía participar en las luchas de los comunista sin correr con sus riesgos. Se les elogiaba como sacrificados combatientes mientras se les estimulaba con numerosas prebendas como, por ejemplo, viajes, becas o publicación de sus obras. Sin embargo, lo que los movía, básicamente, no era nada material sino el sentimiento atávico del grupo, de la tribu. Lo que los horrorizaba era el mundo moderno: la dura competencia del mercado.
Ahora bien, ¿qué se ha hecho y dónde se han metido aquellas organizaciones paralelas del Partido Comunista? ¿A qué se dedican actualmente los miembros de la Federación Sindical Mundial, el Congreso Mundial de la Paz, la Unión Internacional de Estudiantes, la Federación Mundial de las Juventudes Democráticas, la Federación Democrática Internacional de Mujeres y otras por el estilo, creadas, subvencionadas y manipuladas a lo largo de decenios por el Partido Comunista de la Unión Soviética?. Increíblemente esas organizaciones no han desaparecido. Siguen activas. Todavía quedan quienes las financien. Un ejemplo, lo tenemos en esas reuniones que se celebran tan frecuentemente en La Habana. La última fue el Encuentro Internacional de Solidaridad entre Mujeres en el que participaron más de 2,000 delegadas de 75 países.
¿Qué se discutió en esta reunión? Lo mismo de siempre. Lo malo que es el neoliberalismo. "El sistema sociopolítico de Cuba y características de su democracia y desarrollo científico-técnico. (¡) Y, por supuesto, "Consecuencias de la Guerra Bacteriológica contra Cuba"…
Esta fue la reunión clausurada por Fidel Castro el 17 de abril en un discurso de más de cuatro horas de duración. Fidel dijo que el capitalismo… "está condenado por la historia…" "¿Qué devora el imperialismo, qué devora el capitalismo desarrollado, que devora el neoliberalismo, si no es carne humana? –preguntó dramáticamente el dictador cubano. Con sorprendente originalidad calificó al Fondo Monetario Internacional y al Banco Mundial como "ministerios de economía y finanzas del imperialismo yanqui".
Como señaló un cable de Reuters, las delegadas ovacionaron a Castro en numerosas ocasiones y una de ellas gritó: ¡Fidel te amo! Lo mismo que 0le gritaban a Stalin, a Mao Tse Tung y a Ho Chi Min. Y a Pol Pot. Y a Daniel Ortega, el incestuoso. El mundo podrá cambiar pero los tontos útiles y la clientela política del socialismo no se acabarán nunca.
How do you spend time with those around you?
How do you spend time with those around you?
traducido por Federico Dilla
When we say a leader must have the ability to manage time, we tend to talk about the importance of knowing organize and organize others, know how to prioritize to separate the important from what is not so, and above all, make time in our favor as knowing that we are able to distribute it, we will have one or the other results.
Until here all right. However, in this article I want to talk about another concept of time management, and is referring to the people who make our teams, our employees, the people we lead. And I do not mean as you distribute your time, but how we handle the times regarding the development of his talent and growth. Ultimately, as we are able to individually treat each of our employees, knowing that each person is unique and unrepeatable, and therefore, must be treated individually.
Time management is very complex because it generates many questions about how we use and that moments go fast, or else, go slow. Let's see some examples may all have lived or know and we will see the importance of this concept is in the world of Leadership.
When we lose confidence in a partner. The delay time in many ways we generate great damage not to take decisions at the right time, thinking that things can change, although occasionally manage a topic about someone quickly give ourselves the ability to react in time . Failure to properly handle the times a person can make a problem "inwhichthe" and then the solution is much more complicated and sometimes traumatic, and finally took a late decision, it would be that we knew we had to take from principle, which leads us to start from "scratch" with the difficulties involved. This tends to happen to us when we find partners who do not get everything we need. One may wonder whether we could have done more for them, but not have handled accurately time can turn against us.
"A leader takes decisions, but sometimes are not popular or comfortable not mean you should not do it."
Our own "non-organization" can do to find a new profile to replace a person is not possible for us, because surely we are taking tasks we should not do, so we settle for what we have instead of looking for someone better. Here clearly time management is generating us a problem in the long term.
When we have partners with growth potential. Many times we find that the difficulty is not in our hands the ability of a person's development, since we have no influence on decision making in people who do have that ability to make decisions. How to handle the times here for a developing talent and potential that wants to move and has all the qualities to do not demotivate and instead continue to grow stagnate in routine ?. At this point it is best to have them occupied !!. Such employees can not "think", and when I say thinking I mean to have time to have the mind elsewhere. We must be able to leverage their strengths to your benefit, and therefore ours. Give them new responsibilities in tasks that they think, and it's true, they can keep improving.
What sin we commit as leaders sometimes ?. Treat everyone equally, and the "one size fits all" does not always must be a maximum, because also, sometimes, almost always, what we do is to match the bottom, instead of trying to match the top, and all do not offend anyone.
When you enter a new person in the organization. We must know that we will devote time to their integration and their training before letting him "only to danger." If we do not properly we may lose a great talent, because people when they are not integrated and do not know what to do, seem worse than they are. But the fault is not theirs, but ours as leaders, for failing to manage the time well.
Another example would be when we have also an urgency in the short term. This is also important to manage time well, because it may be more effective to design a strategy that until we find the right person or someone we form level for that position, we can deal among all cover that gap. That also provide employees with potential, since in most cases they can take over that task. Many times someone ends quickly promoting that we do not have matured enough to him, and say well, I do fail.
We can go on giving examples, but certainly you it occur to many more. The truth is that time management is a fascinating and complicated art, because it forces us to know perfectly each of our employees, their needs, our needs, especially the cadence with which we should treat each them.
That if to handle other times, we must ensure that we manage our own well, and we are not wasting our time dealing with minor matters the only thing we can report is not devote the time and attention needed to handle the "hands "talent that each of our employees within.
José Lorenzo Moreno López
traducido por Federico Dilla
When we say a leader must have the ability to manage time, we tend to talk about the importance of knowing organize and organize others, know how to prioritize to separate the important from what is not so, and above all, make time in our favor as knowing that we are able to distribute it, we will have one or the other results.
Until here all right. However, in this article I want to talk about another concept of time management, and is referring to the people who make our teams, our employees, the people we lead. And I do not mean as you distribute your time, but how we handle the times regarding the development of his talent and growth. Ultimately, as we are able to individually treat each of our employees, knowing that each person is unique and unrepeatable, and therefore, must be treated individually.
Time management is very complex because it generates many questions about how we use and that moments go fast, or else, go slow. Let's see some examples may all have lived or know and we will see the importance of this concept is in the world of Leadership.
When we lose confidence in a partner. The delay time in many ways we generate great damage not to take decisions at the right time, thinking that things can change, although occasionally manage a topic about someone quickly give ourselves the ability to react in time . Failure to properly handle the times a person can make a problem "inwhichthe" and then the solution is much more complicated and sometimes traumatic, and finally took a late decision, it would be that we knew we had to take from principle, which leads us to start from "scratch" with the difficulties involved. This tends to happen to us when we find partners who do not get everything we need. One may wonder whether we could have done more for them, but not have handled accurately time can turn against us.
"A leader takes decisions, but sometimes are not popular or comfortable not mean you should not do it."
Our own "non-organization" can do to find a new profile to replace a person is not possible for us, because surely we are taking tasks we should not do, so we settle for what we have instead of looking for someone better. Here clearly time management is generating us a problem in the long term.
When we have partners with growth potential. Many times we find that the difficulty is not in our hands the ability of a person's development, since we have no influence on decision making in people who do have that ability to make decisions. How to handle the times here for a developing talent and potential that wants to move and has all the qualities to do not demotivate and instead continue to grow stagnate in routine ?. At this point it is best to have them occupied !!. Such employees can not "think", and when I say thinking I mean to have time to have the mind elsewhere. We must be able to leverage their strengths to your benefit, and therefore ours. Give them new responsibilities in tasks that they think, and it's true, they can keep improving.
What sin we commit as leaders sometimes ?. Treat everyone equally, and the "one size fits all" does not always must be a maximum, because also, sometimes, almost always, what we do is to match the bottom, instead of trying to match the top, and all do not offend anyone.
When you enter a new person in the organization. We must know that we will devote time to their integration and their training before letting him "only to danger." If we do not properly we may lose a great talent, because people when they are not integrated and do not know what to do, seem worse than they are. But the fault is not theirs, but ours as leaders, for failing to manage the time well.
Another example would be when we have also an urgency in the short term. This is also important to manage time well, because it may be more effective to design a strategy that until we find the right person or someone we form level for that position, we can deal among all cover that gap. That also provide employees with potential, since in most cases they can take over that task. Many times someone ends quickly promoting that we do not have matured enough to him, and say well, I do fail.
We can go on giving examples, but certainly you it occur to many more. The truth is that time management is a fascinating and complicated art, because it forces us to know perfectly each of our employees, their needs, our needs, especially the cadence with which we should treat each them.
That if to handle other times, we must ensure that we manage our own well, and we are not wasting our time dealing with minor matters the only thing we can report is not devote the time and attention needed to handle the "hands "talent that each of our employees within.
José Lorenzo Moreno López
¿Cómo empleas el tiempo con los que te rodean?
Cuando decimos que un Líder debe tener la capacidad de manejar los tiempos, tendemos a hablar sobre la importancia que tiene el saber organizarse y organizar a los demás, saber priorizar para separar lo importante de lo que no lo es tanto y sobre todas las cosas, hacer que el tiempo juegue a nuestro favor sabiendo que conforme seamos capaces de distribuirlo, tendremos unos u otros resultados.
Hasta aquí todo correcto. Sin embargo, en éste artículo, me gustaría hablar sobre otro concepto del manejo de los tiempos, y es el que hace referencia a las personas que componen nuestros equipos, a nuestros colaboradores, a las personas que debemos liderar. Y no me refiero a como le distribuimos su tiempo, sino como manejamos los tiempos respecto al desarrollo de su talento y su crecimiento. En definitiva, como somos capaces de tratar individualmente a cada uno de nuestros colaboradores, sabiendo que cada persona es única e irrepetible y que, por lo tanto, debe ser tratada de manera individual.
El manejo del tiempo es muy complejo, ya que nos genera muchas dudas de como utilizarlo y en que momentos ir deprisa, o por el contrario, ir despacio. Vamos a ver algunos ejemplos que tal vez todos hayamos vivido o que conozcamos y que nos harán ver la importancia que este concepto tiene en el mundo del Liderazgo.
Cuando perdemos la confianza en un colaborador. El postergar los tiempos en muchos aspectos nos genera grandes perjuicios por no tomar decisiones en el momento oportuno, pensando que las cosas pueden cambiar, aunque en ocasiones el gestionar un tema con rapidez respecto a alguien nos da a nosotros mismos la posibilidad de reaccionar a tiempo. El no manejar los tiempos correctamente con una persona puede hacer que un problema se "enquiste" y después la solución sea mucho más complicada y en ocasiones traumática, ya que finalmente tomamos una decisión tardía, que sería la que ya sabíamos que debíamos tomar desde un principio, lo que nos conlleva a empezar de "cero", con las dificultades que eso entraña. Esto suele pasarnos cuando nos encontramos con colaboradores que no dan todo lo que necesitamos. Podemos preguntarnos si nosotros podíamos haber hecho más por ellos, pero el no haber manejado los tiempos con precisión puede volverse en nuestra contra.
"Un líder toma decisiones, y aunque en ocasiones no sean populares o cómodas, no significa que no deba hacerlo".
Nuestra propia "no organización" puede hacer que buscar un nuevo perfil para sustituir a una persona no nos sea posible, ya que seguramente estemos atendiendo tareas que no deberíamos hacer, por lo que nos conformamos con lo que tenemos en lugar de buscar alguien mejor. Aquí claramente el manejo del tiempo nos está generando una problema en el largo plazo.
Cuando tenemos colaboradores con potencial de crecimiento. Muchas veces nos encontramos con la dificultad de que no esté en nuestras manos la capacidad de desarrollo de una persona, ya que no tenemos la influencia sobre las tomas de decisión en las personas que si tienen dicha capacidad de decisión. ¿Como manejar los tiempos aquí para que un talento en desarrollo y con potencial que quiere avanzar y que tiene todas las cualidades para ello no se desmotive y en lugar de seguir creciendo se estanque en la rutina?. Llegado este punto lo mejor es ¡¡tenerles ocupados!!. Este tipo de colaboradores no pueden "pensar", y cuando digo pensar me refiero a tener tiempo de tener la mente en otro sitio. Debemos ser capaces de aprovechar sus virtudes para beneficio suyo, y por consiguiente, nuestro. Hay que darles nuevas responsabilidades en tareas en las que ellos mismos piensen, y sea verdad, que pueden seguir mejorando.
¿Qué pecado cometemos como líderes en algunas ocasiones?. Tratar a todo el mundo por igual, y el "café para todos" no siempre debe ser una máxima, porque además, en ocasiones, y casi siempre, lo que hacemos es igualar por abajo, en lugar de intentar igualar por arriba, y todo ello por no herir sensibilidades.
Cuando entra una persona nueva en la Organización. Debemos saber el tiempo que le dedicaremos a su integración y a su formación antes de dejarle "sólo ante el peligro". Si no lo hacemos correctamente puede que perdamos un gran talento, ya que las personas cuando no se sienten integradas y desconocen lo que tienen que hacer, parecen peores de lo que son. Pero la culpa no es suya, sino nuestra como Líderes, por no haber sabido manejar bien los tiempos.
Otro ejemplo también sería cuando tenemos una urgencia en el corto plazo. Aquí también es importante manejar bien los tiempos, ya que tal vez sea más eficaz diseñar una estrategia en la que hasta que encontremos la persona adecuada o formemos a alguien con nivel para ese puesto, podamos ocuparnos entre todos de cubrir ese hueco. Para eso también sirven los colaboradores con potencial, ya que en la mayoría de ocasiones pueden hacerse cargo de esa tarea. Muchas veces se termina promocionando rápidamente a alguien que por no haberlo madurado bastante le hacemos, y digo bien, le hacemos fracasar.
Podemos seguir poniendo ejemplos, aunque seguro que a vosotros se os ocurren muchos más. Lo cierto es que el manejo de los tiempos es un arte fascinante y complicado, porque nos obliga a conocer a la perfección a cada uno de nuestros colaboradores, sus necesidades, nuestras necesidades, y sobre todo la cadencia con la que debemos tratar a cada uno de ellos.
Eso si, para manejar los tiempos de los demás, debemos asegurarnos que manejamos bien los nuestros, y que no estamos perdiendo nuestro tiempo resolviendo asuntos menores que lo único que nos puede reportar es no dedicar el tiempo y la atención necesaria para manejar las "manecillas" del talento que cada uno de nuestros colaboradores lleva dentro.
José Lorenzo Moreno López
José Lorenzo Moreno López
Your life is the result of luck or your decisions?
Your life is the result of luck or your decisions?
Being in a coaching session with a client, decided to review some of the things that he believed had marked his life in a critical way, and that attributed to chance or coincidence ... "Suddenly this happened and ...... and I got caught ....
Published, edited by JOHN GOOD and Mila F. Guerrero
and signed and translated by Federico Dilla
Thus began the session. Do you play an important role chance in life, or is the decision-making process that directs ?.
Related how in his first professional steps in being a multinational, a friend told him that there were public squares "of those of life" and to be near his family, instead of continuing in a less comfortable city that was presented ... and ... "I passed by chance"; if I'd had to stay; I said "maybe I should have made new friends, perhaps leave my girlfriend he was already used to being but little love and trying to say who I liked at that time did you try?".
He kept telling that when she told him the day and time that had to be married, said, "okay", I nodded without thinking too much: "I just think he had been a free date by chance or when he told me and it was all done. "He left to chance their first child ... "We did not put means if it came good but as well too ..." and a second "actually take long, I thought we would have no more, my I did not care, she was the one I wanted." He kept telling me: By chance free to stay a management position and ... that day I defended a project and was there ... And it was by chance that one day, with a theme of work someone gave me a reference I answered an email, and started to talk with someone who made me feel otherwise. "He enjoyed, at that time I felt more loved, protected, well, no more." And it was the chance that my wife cotilleara my mobile, and forced me to leave that relationship ... and ... by chance I was recommended to come here.
Coincidence or causality?
In a world where you can not avoid living immersed in a degree of uncertainty, which for some strange reason the consequences of our actions or our omissions are sometimes beyond our scope of understanding apparent, the fact rely luck is in, almost inevitable to some extent to feel better.
We often wonder why things happen to us, instead of thinking about what we have thought. Ask why it is completely useless. It encourages us to see the situation the same way, sometimes as a problem and leads us to adopt the role of victim and feel helpless.
Instead, ask what allows us to see the same situation closely linked to accountability. A much more efficient and constructive attitude. Promotes we begin to consider the opportunity of learning linked to any experience, whatever it may be.
Quantum physics defines this random process, in the terms that "reality is a potential field of infinite possibilities, but only those that are referred to and accepted materialize." That is, right now, at this moment, our lives, our circumstances are the result of the way we have been thinking, deciding and acting for years.
In the East he came to the same conclusion in the V century BC. The law of karma states that "everything we think, say and do has consequences" which eliminates any possibility of falling into the pit of victimhood. Hence in case you make mistakes, the results allow us to evaluate decisions and behaviors, and can learn and evolve.
And in parallel, in the event that commit successes, these allow us to verify that we are living with some degree of understanding, insight and accumulated some wisdom.
This is the reason that the events that make up our lives are not governed by "chance" but for "causation."
If we come to believe we are here to have a job that allows us to pay the bills, if I chose to leave it to one or another feel loved or respected, or not to maintain a friendship, not to give aware of facts, yielding to imposition or conditions admit ... that is exactly what we will have designed for our lives, our thoughts, our decisions and behaviors.
Conversely, if we change our thinking and acting, have the option to change the course of our existence, other than reaping results. Simply believe that is possible is the first step.
Experiences that happen to us in the way they affect us, we can attribute to the good or bad luck, random, or chance. Others say that just happen because they had to happen and others simply do not pay any attention.
A decision coupled with skill, knowledge, intuition and effort away to the luck of the scene. Things that go wrong given the lack of these skills, or who do well through the exercise of these can not be blamed on the bad or good luck. External events that are part of our existence are often a reflection of our internal emotional processes. Hence the importance of knowing ourselves.
According to the law of synchronicity, "what happens to us, good or bad, is there to teach us something about ourselves, our way of enjoying life."
What have you learned from these decisions that say let others take you ?, How do you see yourself in seven years? What do you do to enjoy your life? I asked my client ...
Being in a coaching session with a client, decided to review some of the things that he believed had marked his life in a critical way, and that attributed to chance or coincidence ... "Suddenly this happened and ...... and I got caught ....
Published, edited by JOHN GOOD and Mila F. Guerrero
and signed and translated by Federico Dilla
Thus began the session. Do you play an important role chance in life, or is the decision-making process that directs ?.
Related how in his first professional steps in being a multinational, a friend told him that there were public squares "of those of life" and to be near his family, instead of continuing in a less comfortable city that was presented ... and ... "I passed by chance"; if I'd had to stay; I said "maybe I should have made new friends, perhaps leave my girlfriend he was already used to being but little love and trying to say who I liked at that time did you try?".
He kept telling that when she told him the day and time that had to be married, said, "okay", I nodded without thinking too much: "I just think he had been a free date by chance or when he told me and it was all done. "He left to chance their first child ... "We did not put means if it came good but as well too ..." and a second "actually take long, I thought we would have no more, my I did not care, she was the one I wanted." He kept telling me: By chance free to stay a management position and ... that day I defended a project and was there ... And it was by chance that one day, with a theme of work someone gave me a reference I answered an email, and started to talk with someone who made me feel otherwise. "He enjoyed, at that time I felt more loved, protected, well, no more." And it was the chance that my wife cotilleara my mobile, and forced me to leave that relationship ... and ... by chance I was recommended to come here.
Coincidence or causality?
In a world where you can not avoid living immersed in a degree of uncertainty, which for some strange reason the consequences of our actions or our omissions are sometimes beyond our scope of understanding apparent, the fact rely luck is in, almost inevitable to some extent to feel better.
We often wonder why things happen to us, instead of thinking about what we have thought. Ask why it is completely useless. It encourages us to see the situation the same way, sometimes as a problem and leads us to adopt the role of victim and feel helpless.
Instead, ask what allows us to see the same situation closely linked to accountability. A much more efficient and constructive attitude. Promotes we begin to consider the opportunity of learning linked to any experience, whatever it may be.
Quantum physics defines this random process, in the terms that "reality is a potential field of infinite possibilities, but only those that are referred to and accepted materialize." That is, right now, at this moment, our lives, our circumstances are the result of the way we have been thinking, deciding and acting for years.
In the East he came to the same conclusion in the V century BC. The law of karma states that "everything we think, say and do has consequences" which eliminates any possibility of falling into the pit of victimhood. Hence in case you make mistakes, the results allow us to evaluate decisions and behaviors, and can learn and evolve.
And in parallel, in the event that commit successes, these allow us to verify that we are living with some degree of understanding, insight and accumulated some wisdom.
This is the reason that the events that make up our lives are not governed by "chance" but for "causation."
If we come to believe we are here to have a job that allows us to pay the bills, if I chose to leave it to one or another feel loved or respected, or not to maintain a friendship, not to give aware of facts, yielding to imposition or conditions admit ... that is exactly what we will have designed for our lives, our thoughts, our decisions and behaviors.
Conversely, if we change our thinking and acting, have the option to change the course of our existence, other than reaping results. Simply believe that is possible is the first step.
Experiences that happen to us in the way they affect us, we can attribute to the good or bad luck, random, or chance. Others say that just happen because they had to happen and others simply do not pay any attention.
A decision coupled with skill, knowledge, intuition and effort away to the luck of the scene. Things that go wrong given the lack of these skills, or who do well through the exercise of these can not be blamed on the bad or good luck. External events that are part of our existence are often a reflection of our internal emotional processes. Hence the importance of knowing ourselves.
According to the law of synchronicity, "what happens to us, good or bad, is there to teach us something about ourselves, our way of enjoying life."
What have you learned from these decisions that say let others take you ?, How do you see yourself in seven years? What do you do to enjoy your life? I asked my client ...
¿Tu vida es fruto de la suerte o de tus decisiones?
Estando en una sesión de coaching con un cliente, decidió revisar algunas de las cosas que él creía habían marcado su vida de una forma crítica, y que las atribuía al azar o la casualidad… “De pronto pasó eso y…… y me vi envuelto….
Publicado, redactado por JUAN F. BUENOy Mila Guerrero
y suscrito por Federico Dilla
Así empezó la sesión. ¿Juega un papel importante el azar en la vida, o es el proceso de toma de decisiones el que la dirige?.
Relató como en sus primeros pasos laborales estando en una multinacional, un amigo le dijo que había unas plazas públicas “de esas de toda la vida” y por estar cerca de su familia, en vez de seguir en otra ciudad menos confortable… que se presentó y … “de casualidad aprobé” ; si me hubiera tenido que quedar; me dijo:”quizás tendría que haber hecho nuevas amistades, quizás dejar a mi novia con la que estaba ya acostumbrado a estar aunque poco enamorado e intentar decir a quien me gustaba mucho en ese momento ¿lo intentamos?”.
Siguió contando, que cuando ella le dijo el día y la hora en que se tenía que casar, dijo: "¡vale!", asentí sin pensar demasiado: “Es que creo que había quedado una fecha libre por casualidad o cuando me lo dijo ya estaba todo hecho”. Dejó al azar su primer hijo… “no pusimos medios si venía bien sino pues bien también…” y un segundo: “de hecho tardó mucho, pensaba que ya no tendríamos más, a mi me daba igual, ella era quien lo quería”. Siguió contándome que: La casualidad hizo que se quedara libre un puesto directivo y… ese día yo defendía un proyecto y estaba ahí… Y también fue azaroso que un día, con un tema de trabajo alguien me dio una referencia contesté un correo, y empecé a hablar con una persona que me hizo sentir de otra manera. “Disfrutaba mucho, en ese momento me sentía más querido, protegido, muy bien, sin más”. Y fue la casualidad que mi mujer cotilleara mi móvil, y me obligó a dejar esa relación… y… de casualidad me recomendaron venir aquí.
¿Casualidad o causalidad?
En un mundo en el que no se puede evitar vivir sumergido en cierto grado de incertidumbre, en el que por alguna extraña razón las consecuencias de nuestras acciones o de nuestras omisiones están a veces más allá de nuestro alcance de comprensión aparente, el hecho de confiar en la suerte es, en cierta medida casi inevitable para sentirnos mejor.
Por el contrario, preguntarnos para qué, nos permite ver esa misma situación estrechamente vinculada con la responsabilidad. Una actitud mucho más eficiente y constructiva. Favorece que empecemos a tener en cuenta la oportunidad de aprendizaje vinculada a cualquier experiencia, sea la que sea.
La física cuántica define este proceso de azar, en los términos que “la realidad es un campo de potenciales posibilidades infinitas, pero, solo se materializan aquellas que son contempladas y aceptadas”. Es decir, que ahora mismo, en este momento, nuestras vidas, nuestras circunstancias son el resultado de la manera en la que hemos venido pensando, decidiendo y actuando durante años.
En Oriente se llegó a esta misma conclusión en el siglo V antes de Cristo. La ley del karma afirma que “todo lo que pensamos, decimos y hacemos tiene consecuencias” lo que elimina toda posibilidad de caer en el pozo del victimismo. De ahí que en el caso de que cometamos errores, los resultados nos permitirán evaluar decisiones y conductas, pudiendo así aprender y evolucionar.
Y en paralelo, en el caso de que cometamos aciertos, estos nos permitirán verificar que estamos viviendo con cierto grado de comprensión, discernimiento y acumulando cierta sabiduría.
Esta es la razón por la que los sucesos que componen nuestra existencia no están regidos por la “casualidad”, sino por la “causalidad”.
Si hemos venido creyendo que estamos aquí para tener un empleo que nos permita pagar las facturas, si opté por dejar en manos de otro u otra sentirme querido o respetado, mantener o no una amistad, no darme por enterado de hechos, ceder a imposiciones o admitir condiciones… eso es precisamente lo que habremos diseñado para nuestra vida, con nuestros pensamientos, nuestras decisiones y comportamientos.
Por el contrario, si cambiamos nuestra manera de pensar y de actuar, tenemos la opción de modificar el rumbo de nuestra existencia, cosechando otros resultados diferentes. El simple hecho de creer que es posible representa el primer paso.
Nos suceden experiencias que por la manera en como nos afectan, se las atribuimos a la buena o mala suerte, al azar, o a la casualidad. Otras decimos que suceden porque sí, porque tenían que suceder y a otras simplemente no le prestamos ninguna atención.
Una decisión unida a la habilidad, el conocimiento, la intuición y el esfuerzo apartan a la suerte de la escena. Las cosas que salen mal dada la falta de esas competencias, o las que salen bien gracias al ejercicio de éstas no pueden achacarse a la mala o buena suerte. Los sucesos externos que forman parte de nuestra existencia suelen ser un reflejo de nuestros procesos emocionales internos. De ahí la importancia de conocernos a nosotros mismos.
Según la ley de la sincronicidad, “lo que nos ocurre, bueno o malo, está ahí para que aprendamos algo acerca de nosotros mismos, de nuestra manera de disfrutar la vida”.
¿Qué has aprendido de esas decisiones que dices dejas que tomen otros por ti?, ¿Cómo te ves dentro de siete años ? ¿Qué haces para disfrutar de tu vida? le pregunté a mi cliente …
miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014
How to promote your #book with a #Trailerlibro or #videoteaser?
15 ways to promote your book with a book trailer
A book trailer is a short video teaser for your book. The video can consist of live action, animation, scrolling text on a black background, or pretty much anything else you think will capture the imagination of the viewer.
But are book trailers really necessary for promotion? I mean, you’re an author, not a filmmaker, and a book is a book — NOT a movie! Well, click HERE to read one writer’s opinion on the necessity of book trailers.
“Necessary” may be a strong word, but in our socially-connected, video-frenzied world, a professional book trailer can be a super helpful tool in your promotional bag of tricks. They’re short, sharable, exciting (when done well), and show that you’re serious about your writing, so readers will take you seriously too.
OK. Wanna create one? Check out our top 5 book trailer tips for authors.
Still stumped on what’d make a good trailer for your book? Get some inspiration from these fantastic book trailers.
Now, you’ve filmed and edited your book trailer and you’re ready to wow the world with it. What do you do? Where do you begin?
Here’s a list of ways to promote your book with your book trailer
1. Upload your book trailer to YouTube and Vimeo — An obvious first step. Be sure to use smart keywords and phrases in your video description so your trailer will come up in search results related to those terms. Also, link to your website or preferred book retailer in the description so interested viewers can actually purchase the book.
2. Post your book trailer on your author website — Another obvious step, but very important. Feature your book trailer on your website’s homepage (which is generally the most viewed page on any site), embed it or link to it on your press/EPK page, and also create a blog post that’s all about the trailer, how it was made, and how you hope your readers will share it with their friends.
3. Add your book trailer to your LinkedIn profile — You’re a serious author with a professional book trailer. Show it off to your professional network.
4. Share your book trailer on Facebook — Post your book trailer on your author page, on your personal profile, and in any relevant Facebook Groups you belong to. Hint: you can post your trailer more than once — just don’t get obnoxious about it.
5. Tweet your book trailer on Twitter — Just like on Facebook, YouTube videos play within folks’ Twitter feeds, so they don’t have to link anywhere else to view it. Tweet, tweet, tweet away! (With Twitter you don’t have to worry quite as much about sharing the same content multiple times.)
6. Enter your book trailer in trailer contests — They’re out there. For example, check outTHIS book-related video contest. Then search on Google every so often to find trailer contests appropriate for your genre.
7. Host a book trailer premiere — It doesn’t have to be a big gala event. Maybe a local coffee shop would be happy to have you and a dozen friends hang out at their space, watch the trailer, and have a brief Q&A about the video and the book. If you host a premiere event, though, be sure to make it open to the public, create a Facebook event, blog about it, and let the local press know. Those will create additional opportunities to share your book trailer.
8. Play your trailer at book fairs and expos — Any time you have a presence at a publishing event, bring your computer or iPad in order to show people the trailer. If you have a booth, consider setting up a monitor that plays the book trailer on a loop (with the volume turned low, of course!)
9. Email your list — Subscribers to your email newsletter will be the MOST enthusiastic viewers of your book trailer. So let them know about it. Tell them interesting facts about the making of the trailer while it’s still a work in progress, then get them excited about the release date of the trailer, and finally, email then on the day the trailer goes live on YouTube (and link them to your blog where you wrote all the juiciest behind-the-scenes details).
10. Add your book trailer to your email signature — Seriously. Not everyone will click on it, but lots of folks probably will. And even if someone only clicks out of idle curiosity, you may just turn them into a reader!
11. Don’t forget the other social media sites — Authors tend to focus on Twitter and Facebook, but you should also see if there are good opportunities for you to share your book trailer on platforms like Reddit, Tumblr, Google+, and Pinterest.
12. Engage in relevant conversations on other blogs, videos, groups, forums, etc. — If there’s a legit opportunity within an online conversation to share a link to your book trailer, do so. But be sure it doesn’t seem spammy, or that you’re commenting only so you can then post a link.
13. Post your book trailer on your Amazon Author Page — I’m not sure much more needs to be said about that. Makes good sense, huh?
14. Promote your book trailer on Goodreads — A huuuuuuuuuge community of readers visits Goodreads every day to talk about books, get new recommendations, and comment on things they’ve just read. Oh, what’s that? Lemme just click this book trailer link and see… oh, cool. Yeah, I’ll check out that book.
¿Cómo promover su #libro con un #Trailerlibro o #videoteaser?
15 maneras de promover su libro con un Trailerlibro
traducido Federico Dilla
Un trailer libro es un video teaser corto para su libro. El video puede consistir en la acción en vivo, animación, texto en movimiento sobre un fondo negro, o casi cualquier otra cosa crees que va a capturar la imaginación del espectador.
Pero son trailers de libros realmente necesario para la promoción? Quiero decir, usted es un escritor, no un director de cine, y un libro es un libro - no es una película! Bueno, haga clic AQUÍ para leer la opinión de un escritor en la necesidad de trailers de libros.
"Necesario" puede ser una palabra fuerte, pero en nuestro conectados socialmente, mundo-video frenética, un remolque libro profesional puede ser una herramienta muy útil en su bolso promocional de trucos. Son cortos, compartible, emocionante (cuando se hace bien), y muestran que usted es serio sobre su escritura, por lo que los lectores se tome en serio también.
Todavía perplejo en ¿Qué hacer un buen trailer de tu libro? Obtener un poco de inspiración deestos fantásticos trailers de libros .
Ahora, usted ha filmado y editado su remolque libro y ya está listo para asombrar al mundo con ella. Qué haces? ¿Por dónde empezar?
Aquí está una lista de maneras de promover su libro con su remolque libro
1. Sube tu libro trailer en YouTube y Vimeo - Un primer paso obvio. Asegúrese de utilizar palabras clave y frases inteligentes en su descripción de vídeo para su remolque se van a plantear en los resultados de búsqueda relacionados con esos términos. También, enlace a su sitio web o minorista de libros preferidos en la descripción para que los espectadores interesados pueden realmente comprar el libro.
2. Publique su libro trailer en su página web autor - Otro paso obvio, pero muy importante.Destaque su remolque libro en la página principal de su sitio web (que generalmente es la página más vista en cualquier sitio), incrustar o enlazar en su página de prensa / EPK, y también crear un blog que está todo sobre el remolque, cómo se hizo , y cómo espera que sus lectores lo compartirán con sus amigos.
3. Agregue su remolque libro a su perfil de LinkedIn - Usted es un autor serio con un remolque libro profesional. Demostrar que fuera a su red profesional.
4. Comparte su remolque libro en Facebook - Publique su libro trailer en su página de autor, en su perfil personal y, en todo relevante Facebook Grupos que pertenece. Sugerencia: puedes publicar tu remolque más de una vez - sólo que no te odiosa al respecto.
5. Tweet su remolque libro sobre Twitter - Al igual que en Facebook, videos de YouTube jugar en Twitter la gente 'se alimenta, por lo que no tienen que enlazar en cualquier otro lugar para poder verla. Tweet, pío, pío de distancia! (Con Twitter no tiene que preocuparse bastante como mucho acerca de compartir el mismo contenido varias veces.)
6. Introduzca su remolque libro en concursos de remolque - Están ahí fuera. Por ejemplo, echa un vistazo a ESTE concurso de vídeo de libros relacionados. A continuación, busque en Google cada cierto tiempo para encontrar concursos de remolque adecuados para su género.
7. Alojar un estreno libro remolque - No tiene por qué ser un gran evento de gala. Tal vez una tienda de café local sería feliz de tenerte y una docena de amigos pasar el rato en su espacio, ver el trailer, y tienen una breve Q & A sobre el video y el libro. Si usted recibe un evento de estreno, sin embargo, asegúrese de que sea abierto al público, crear un evento de Facebook, blog sobre él, y dejar que la prensa local sabe. Aquellos creará oportunidades adicionales para compartir su remolque libro.
8. Juega su remolque en ferias del libro y exposiciones - Cada vez que tenga una presencia en un evento de la edición, trae tu ordenador o iPad con el fin de mostrar a la gente el trailer. Si tiene un stand, considerar la creación de un monitor que reproduce el trailer libro en un bucle (con el volumen bajo, por supuesto!)
9.-mail de tu lista - Los suscriptores a su boletín de correo electrónico serán los espectadores más entusiastas de su remolque libro. Así que sepan al respecto. Diles datos interesantes acerca de la realización de la caravana, mientras que es todavía un trabajo en progreso, a continuación, obtener que se entusiasmen con la fecha de lanzamiento del trailer, y finalmente, de correo electrónico a continuación, en el día del trailer va en vivo en YouTube (y vincularlos a su blog en el que escribió todos los jugosos detalles detrás de las escenas).
10. Añada su remolque libro a tu firma de correo electrónico - En serio. No todo el mundo va a hacer clic en él, pero un montón de gente, probablemente lo hará. E incluso si alguien hace clic sólo por curiosidad, sólo puede convertirlos en un lector!
11. No nos olvidemos de los otros sitios de medios sociales - Autores tienden a centrarse en Twitter y Facebook, pero usted debe también ver si hay buenas oportunidades para que usted comparta su remolque libro en plataformas como Reddit, Tumblr, Google+ y Pinterest.
12. Tenga conversaciones pertinentes en otros blogs, videos, grupos, foros, etc - Si hay una oportunidad de fiar en una conversación en línea para compartir un enlace a su remolque libro, hágalo. Pero asegúrese de que no parece spam, o que usted está comentando sólo por lo que a continuación, puede enviar un enlace.
13. Publica tu libro trailer en su Amazon Autor Página - No estoy seguro aún queda mucho que decir acerca de eso. Hace buen sentido, ¿eh?
14. Promover su remolque libro en Goodreads - Una comunidad de lectores huuuuuuuuuge visita Goodreads todos los días para hablar de libros, obtener nuevas recomendaciones y comentarios sobre cosas que acaban de leer. Oh, ¿qué es eso? Lemme simplemente haga clic en este enlace remolque libro y ver ... oh, fresco. Sí, me voy a ver ese libro.
Esperemos que estos consejos le ayudarán a encontrar nuevos espectadores para su remolque libro, que se espera conduzcan a la venta de libros! Si usted tiene algún consejo que añadir sobre la promoción de su libro con un remolque,
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