Servicios de Redacción, Preparación, Edición, Publicación y Presentación de Libros, Artículos, Ensayos, Poesías y Obras Literarias en General. Organización de Actos Culturales, Coloquios, Conferencias, Simposiums y Exposiciones. Redacción de Guiones y Textos Literarios. Servicios de Formación Cultural.
jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015
How 5 Major Publishers Plan to Use Snapchat's New Channels
traducido por Federico Dilla
traducido por Federico Dilla
How 5 Major Publishers Plan to Use Snapchat's New Channels
Michelle Castillo/31 de ene. de 2015
With Snapchat Discover launching earlier this week, publishers now have a new way to tease their content on social media and find backing from brands. The new offering allows marketers to directly sponsor stories on the platform, getting their names in front of a younger audience.
We spoke to five publishers to get more details about what Snapchat users can expect from their channels:
Daily Mail North American CEO Jon Steinberg said that the publisher plans on using Snapchat to post two updates a day soon, one at 3 p.m. ET and another at a to-be-determined time. A dedicated team of four people will select content from its 800 daily stories. Expect pictures from its snaps: It uses 8,000 pictures daily. But, it's open to trying new things. So far, T Mobile, Oxygen Street Art Throwdown, Stride and Macy's have signed on as launch advertisers.
"We view it as a completely different channel," Steinberg explained. "The whole site is one never-ending experiment from how to change the headlines and to how to change the photographs. We'll get the statistics from Snapchat and see the forms and styles that people like."
"We view it as a completely different channel," Steinberg explained. "The whole site is one never-ending experiment from how to change the headlines and to how to change the photographs. We'll get the statistics from Snapchat and see the forms and styles that people like."
Vice plans to pull stories from all 10 of its verticals and update once a day, highlighting written text as much as its video content. Snapchat Discover Vice content will be a "best of" selection from its publications, not new stories just for the platform.
Vice has been pushing mobile content, so observers say the move to join Snapchat Discover was a natural one. It hopes to expand to a larger global audience, with a focus on younger users who might not be familiar with the Brooklyn-based publisher.
Cosmo wants to create snackable items that consumers can consume in a short period of time on its channel. The updates, which will post at 8 a.m. daily, will tease its videos and feature articles. If things go well, Cosmo may bump up to posting twice a day. Sperry and Victoria's Secret are sponsoring its channel at launch.
Sources said that Cosmo wanted to join Snapchat because it provided an alternative to other social media channels and it was a natural fit with readers already using the platform.
CNN is focusing on promoting its videos and image-based content through its Snaps, which will go out every day at 5 p.m. ET. The news site will highlight five stories, with a sixth snap presenting a "did you know" fact. It's customizing its content for Snapchat, meaning the teaser could be additional footage or images not seen on its main site. The site's also employed a dedicated team to run its Snapchat Discover channel. BMW is one of the launch sponsors.
CNN is focusing on promoting its videos and image-based content through its Snaps, which will go out every day at 5 p.m. ET. The news site will highlight five stories, with a sixth snap presenting a "did you know" fact. It's customizing its content for Snapchat, meaning the teaser could be additional footage or images not seen on its main site. The site's also employed a dedicated team to run its Snapchat Discover channel. BMW is one of the launch sponsors.
The cable network was interested in joining the program because the average age of its audience is in the 30s, and CNN wants to tap into the younger 13- to 18-year-old demographic that Snapchat reaches. The move also allows it to experiment with evolving its editorial tone.
Fusion will post at least five different stories picked by its editors each day. Each story will have a 10-second teaser leading to a mix of new content exclusive to the platform and highlighting the best of its work.
Cómo 5 grandes editores planean utilizar de Snapchat Nuevos Canales
Michelle Castillo / 31 de ene. de 2015
Laurence O'Bryan en BooksGoSocial
Con Snapchat Descubra el lanzamiento a principios de esta semana, los editores ahora tienen una nueva manera de burlarse de su contenido en las redes sociales y buscar el apoyo de marcas. La nueva oferta permite a los comerciantes para patrocinar directamente historias sobre la plataforma, lograr que sus nombres delante de un público más joven.
Hablamos con cinco editoriales para obtener más detalles acerca de lo que Snapchat usuarios pueden esperar de sus canales:
Daily Mail
CEO estadounidense Daily Mail Norte Jon Steinberg dijo que los planes de la editorial sobre el uso de Snapchat publicar dos actualizaciones de un día no muy lejano, una a las 3 pm ET y otro a la vez que está por determinar,. Un equipo de cuatro personas seleccionará el contenido de sus 800 historias cotidianas. Cuente con fotos de sus jugadas: Utiliza 8.000 imágenes al día. Pero, está abierto a probar cosas nuevas. Hasta ahora, T-Mobile, Oxígeno Street Art Throwdown, Stride y Macy han firmado como anunciantes de lanzamiento.
"Lo vemos como un canal completamente diferente", explicó Steinberg. "Todo el sitio es uno de nunca acabar experimento de cómo cambiar los titulares y de cómo cambiar las fotografías. Vamos a llegar las estadísticas de Snapchat y ver las formas y estilos que la gente le gusta."
Vice planea sacar historias de todos los 10 de sus verticales y actualizar una vez al día, destacando texto escrito tanto como su contenido de vídeo. Snapchat contenido Discover Vicepresidente será un "best of" de selección de sus publicaciones, no nuevas historias sólo para la plataforma.
Vicepresidente ha estado presionando contenido móvil, por lo que los observadores dicen que la medida a unirse Snapchat Descubra fue natural. Se espera ampliar a una audiencia global más grande, con un enfoque en los usuarios más jóvenes que podrían no estar familiarizados con la editorial con sede en Brooklyn.
Cosmo quiere crear artículos snackable que los consumidores puedan consumir en un corto período de tiempo en su canal. Las actualizaciones, que publicaremos a las 8 am todos los días, se burlan de sus videos y artículos de fondo. Si las cosas van bien, Cosmo puede subir a publicar dos veces al día. Sperry y Victoria Secret están patrocinando su canal en el lanzamiento.
Las fuentes dijeron que Cosmo quería unirse Snapchat porque ofrecía una alternativa a otros medios de comunicación social y que era un ajuste natural con los lectores que ya utilizan la plataforma.
CNN se centra en la promoción de sus videos y contenido basado en imágenes a través de su Snaps, que salir todos los días a las 5 pm ET. El sitio de noticias destacará cinco pisos, con un sexto complemento presentar un hecho "¿sabías". Es la personalización de su contenido para Snapchat, lo que significa el sumario podría ser material de archivo o imágenes que no se veían en su página principal adicional. El sitio es también empleó un equipo dedicado a ejecutar su canal Snapchat Discover. BMW es uno de los patrocinadores de lanzamiento.
La red de cable estaba interesado en unirse al programa porque la edad promedio de su audiencia es en los años 30, y CNN quiere aprovechar el más joven de entre 13 y 18 años de edad demográfica que Snapchat alcanza. La medida también permite experimentar con la evolución de su tono editorial.
Fusión publicará al menos cinco historias diferentes escogidos por sus editores cada día. Cada historia tendrá 10 segundos sumario que lleva a una mezcla de nuevo contenido exclusivo de la plataforma y resaltando lo mejor de su trabajo.
martes, 24 de febrero de 2015
Exercises for a brilliant mind
traducido por Federico Dilla
Exercises for a brilliant mind

Just as millions of people around the world frequently shoes sneakers, is becoming trend 'carry' the brain to the gym
Tips to remember the name of the person we just launched
For centuries, scientists believed that most brain development occurred in the first years of life and that this body remained almost unchanged in adulthood. But in the last two decades scientific studies, such as those published in Neuroscience, have discovered the phenomenon of neuroplasticity-the ability of the brain to allow neurons and the connections between them are constantly recycling. There are reasonable indications that train the mind and learn new things can protect against cognitive decline associated with aging, a problem that affects as laOMS, 35.6 million and increased by 7.7 million each year.
The message has penetrated so deeply into the population is fueling a boom in the world of digital brain gyms. Juan Fortea, member of the Study Group of Conduct and Dementias of the Spanish Society of Neurology, says: "Alzheimer's occurs in all kinds of people, you're Nobel, president of a country Prize or have studied and exercised your mind along your whole life. Although this reality will not change as much as we train our brain or certain cognitive skills we practice, it is true that it is not the same striking a person who is fit, weighs 80 kilos and is well muscled, than another weaker " . However, in patients with more cognitive reserve the disease progresses faster than the lack of it ... seems a contradiction, but it is not. According to the specialist SEN, "these patients' clinical symptoms start later because it compensates with your booking and, when this finishes, the progression is faster. A larger pool, longer without the ravages of the disease. "
Brain in the form
Schooling, diet and exercise, among others, have demonstrated their effectiveness in recharging our cognitive reserve, but having the fridge full is not entirely in our hands. "The IQ is determined by structural factors can not be changed, such as intracranial volume," says the expert. So what is the role of digital brain gyms? "They can have beneficial effects, although not yet have scientific evidence that allows us to assert that this training alone is the solution. What I have found is that the effectiveness or impact of interventions cognitive stimulation is much higher when performed in conjunction with exercise, "replies Fortea.
Not the same beat someone in a way that a frail person. Same with Alzheimer's
Several of these premises were valued by José Ignacio Bescós and Javier Sánchez, creators of Unobrain, the first online debrain fitness club in the Spanish-speaking environment, which already has more than 100,000 followers. Two enamored neuroscience entrepreneurs who decided two years ago to dump all their concerns in a series of online games that allow users to enhance their cognitive straight from other initiatives that already existed in the market skills. "We thought it was important to focus on brain areas that were more solid evidence on the role of cognitive training, but we also realized that this project should have a group of experts from different disciplines," remind parents Unobrain.
Thus, in its inception, has involved a multidisciplinary team of neuropsychologists, engineers, programmers, nutritionists, doctors, designers and meditators, plus collaboration with the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (URJC). "The concept aims to establish debrain fitness habits brain-healthy lifestyle stress management training, the neuronutrición and exercise" stress. Therefore, your program revolves around four axes: a brain gym with custom training programs consisting of exercises that work through play attention, memory, language and the processing speed of the user; a program for stress management implemented through a device neurofeedback (EEG helmet that captures the frequencies associated with brain activity and to assess the level of stress); a brain-healthy menu designed by nutritionists and physical activity program cardiocerebral improving cognitive abilities. "Creating a habit is difficult, so our challenge was to design games, plus useful, be entertaining, equal a challenge and encourage the capacity to overcome users," says Sanchez.
Paloma Barjola, researcher at the Department of Neuropsychology URJC and interested in Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience and Psychophysiology, explains: "In my group we conduct studies of brain function. We try to find out which areas are involved in tasks such as memory, concentration or language and, in light of our knowledge, advise on developing games Unobrain. What we were looking professional is a cognitive training program that does not work just one function, but exercising more or less balanced attention, memory, concentration or calculation ". This expert admits: "We have found that training of 15-20 minutes three days per week of certain cognitive functions help his recovery." And endorses his words mentioning a study conducted with patients suffering from fibromyalgia, a condition that causes muscle pain, fatigue and forgetfulness. The data show that, after a brief cognitive intervention online, selective attention, verbal fluency and speed of mental processing of these patients improved compared with those who did not exercise their mind through this tool.
A daily mental work
"It is important to grasp that, like train and care for our bodies to improve our quality of life and prevent diseases, working our minds may not prevent develop Alzheimer's, but that we preserve a greater number of cognitive skills," emphasizes the UJRC researcher. From this point of view, millions of people worldwide are signing (in the US this sector is expected to exceed 2,000 million in 2015). The reason, according to experts, there is more awareness that the brain develops and preserves in terms of what we do in our lives. People who are aging now are healthier and want to keep their living brains.
How many words do you remember?
On the website of Unobrain there are many games that train 'online'. We propose one to test their status and to pique the curiosity ...
Buzzwords. Make a list of 10 words from various semantic fields. Choose them from memory or look them up on this website. Once read them, for up to 10 seconds. Write them later in a notebook (no cheating: it is easy to squeeze out the view). Hitting 7 or 8 is normal. If you are between 9 and 10 matches, it means your brain is oiled to perfection. And had it not 6 should start training. In a few days you will notice.
traducido por Federico Dilla
Exercises for a brilliant mind
Just as millions of people around the world frequently shoes sneakers, is becoming trend 'carry' the brain to the gym
Tips to remember the name of the person we just launched
For centuries, scientists believed that most brain development occurred in the first years of life and that this body remained almost unchanged in adulthood. But in the last two decades scientific studies, such as those published in Neuroscience, have discovered the phenomenon of neuroplasticity-the ability of the brain to allow neurons and the connections between them are constantly recycling. There are reasonable indications that train the mind and learn new things can protect against cognitive decline associated with aging, a problem that affects as laOMS, 35.6 million and increased by 7.7 million each year.
The message has penetrated so deeply into the population is fueling a boom in the world of digital brain gyms. Juan Fortea, member of the Study Group of Conduct and Dementias of the Spanish Society of Neurology, says: "Alzheimer's occurs in all kinds of people, you're Nobel, president of a country Prize or have studied and exercised your mind along your whole life. Although this reality will not change as much as we train our brain or certain cognitive skills we practice, it is true that it is not the same striking a person who is fit, weighs 80 kilos and is well muscled, than another weaker " . However, in patients with more cognitive reserve the disease progresses faster than the lack of it ... seems a contradiction, but it is not. According to the specialist SEN, "these patients' clinical symptoms start later because it compensates with your booking and, when this finishes, the progression is faster. A larger pool, longer without the ravages of the disease. "
Brain in the form
Schooling, diet and exercise, among others, have demonstrated their effectiveness in recharging our cognitive reserve, but having the fridge full is not entirely in our hands. "The IQ is determined by structural factors can not be changed, such as intracranial volume," says the expert. So what is the role of digital brain gyms? "They can have beneficial effects, although not yet have scientific evidence that allows us to assert that this training alone is the solution. What I have found is that the effectiveness or impact of interventions cognitive stimulation is much higher when performed in conjunction with exercise, "replies Fortea.
Not the same beat someone in a way that a frail person. Same with Alzheimer's
Several of these premises were valued by José Ignacio Bescós and Javier Sánchez, creators of Unobrain, the first online debrain fitness club in the Spanish-speaking environment, which already has more than 100,000 followers. Two enamored neuroscience entrepreneurs who decided two years ago to dump all their concerns in a series of online games that allow users to enhance their cognitive straight from other initiatives that already existed in the market skills. "We thought it was important to focus on brain areas that were more solid evidence on the role of cognitive training, but we also realized that this project should have a group of experts from different disciplines," remind parents Unobrain.
Thus, in its inception, has involved a multidisciplinary team of neuropsychologists, engineers, programmers, nutritionists, doctors, designers and meditators, plus collaboration with the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (URJC). "The concept aims to establish debrain fitness habits brain-healthy lifestyle stress management training, the neuronutrición and exercise" stress. Therefore, your program revolves around four axes: a brain gym with custom training programs consisting of exercises that work through play attention, memory, language and the processing speed of the user; a program for stress management implemented through a device neurofeedback (EEG helmet that captures the frequencies associated with brain activity and to assess the level of stress); a brain-healthy menu designed by nutritionists and physical activity program cardiocerebral improving cognitive abilities. "Creating a habit is difficult, so our challenge was to design games, plus useful, be entertaining, equal a challenge and encourage the capacity to overcome users," says Sanchez.
Paloma Barjola, researcher at the Department of Neuropsychology URJC and interested in Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience and Psychophysiology, explains: "In my group we conduct studies of brain function. We try to find out which areas are involved in tasks such as memory, concentration or language and, in light of our knowledge, advise on developing games Unobrain. What we were looking professional is a cognitive training program that does not work just one function, but exercising more or less balanced attention, memory, concentration or calculation ". This expert admits: "We have found that training of 15-20 minutes three days per week of certain cognitive functions help his recovery." And endorses his words mentioning a study conducted with patients suffering from fibromyalgia, a condition that causes muscle pain, fatigue and forgetfulness. The data show that, after a brief cognitive intervention online, selective attention, verbal fluency and speed of mental processing of these patients improved compared with those who did not exercise their mind through this tool.
A daily mental work
"It is important to grasp that, like train and care for our bodies to improve our quality of life and prevent diseases, working our minds may not prevent develop Alzheimer's, but that we preserve a greater number of cognitive skills," emphasizes the UJRC researcher. From this point of view, millions of people worldwide are signing (in the US this sector is expected to exceed 2,000 million in 2015). The reason, according to experts, there is more awareness that the brain develops and preserves in terms of what we do in our lives. People who are aging now are healthier and want to keep their living brains.
How many words do you remember?
On the website of Unobrain there are many games that train 'online'. We propose one to test their status and to pique the curiosity ...
Buzzwords. Make a list of 10 words from various semantic fields. Choose them from memory or look them up on this website. Once read them, for up to 10 seconds. Write them later in a notebook (no cheating: it is easy to squeeze out the view). Hitting 7 or 8 is normal. If you are between 9 and 10 matches, it means your brain is oiled to perfection. And had it not 6 should start training. In a few days you will notice.
Ejercicios para una mente brillante
De igual modo que millones de personas en todo el mundo se calzan de forma frecuente las zapatillas deportivas, empieza a ser tendencia ‘llevar’ el cerebro al gimnasio
Durante siglos, los científicos creían que la mayor parte del desarrollo cerebral se producía en los primeros años de la vida y que este órgano permanecía casi inmutable en la edad adulta. Pero en las últimas dos décadas estudios científicos, como los publicados en Neuroscience, han descubierto el fenómeno de la neuroplasticidad: la capacidad del cerebro para permitir que las neuronas y las conexiones entre ellas estén en constante reciclaje. Hay indicios razonables que muestran que entrenar la mente y aprender cosas nuevas puede proteger del declive cognitivo asociado a la vejez, un problema que afecta, según laOMS, a 35,6 millones de personas y aumenta en 7,7 millones cada año.
El mensaje ha calado tan hondo en la población que está alimentando un auge en el mundo de gimnasios cerebrales digitales. Juan Fortea, vocal del Grupo de Estudio de Conducta y Demencias de la Sociedad Española de Neurología, apunta: “El Alzheimer se da en todo tipo de personas, seas Premio Nobel, presidente de un país o hayas estudiado y ejercitado tu mente a lo largo de toda tu vida. Aunque esta realidad no va a cambiar por mucho que entrenemos nuestro cerebro o practiquemos determinadas habilidades cognitivas, sí es cierto que no es lo mismo golpear a una persona que está en forma, pesa 80 kilos y está bien musculada, que a otra más frágil”. Sin embargo, en los pacientes con más reserva cognitiva la enfermedad avanza más rápido que en los carentes de ella… Parece una contradicción, pero no lo es. Según el especialista de la SEN, “en estos pacientes los síntomas clínicos se inician más tarde porque se compensa con su reserva y, cuando esta acaba, la progresión es más rápida. A mayor reserva, más tiempo sin los estragos que causa la enfermedad”.
Cerebro en forma
La escolaridad, la dieta y el ejercicio, entre otros, han demostrado su eficacia a la hora de recargar nuestra reserva cognitiva, pero tener la nevera llena no está del todo en nuestras manos. “El coeficiente intelectual está determinado por factores estructurales que no se pueden modificar, como el volumen intercraneal”, apunta el experto. ¿Entonces, qué papel juegan los gimnasios cerebrales digitales? “Pueden tener sus efectos beneficiosos, aunque aún no disponemos de la evidencia científica que nos permita aseverar que este entrenamiento por sí solo sea la solución. Lo que sí se ha comprobado es que la eficacia o impacto de las intervenciones de estimulación cognitiva es muy superior cuando se realizan en conjunción con el ejercicio físico”, responde Fortea.
Varias de estas premisas fueron valoradas por José Ignacio Bescós y Javier Sánchez, creadores de Unobrain, el primer club on line debrain fitness en el entorno hispanohablante, que cuenta ya con más de 100.000 seguidores. Dos emprendedores enamorados de las neurociencias que decidieron hace ahora dos años volcar todas sus inquietudes en una serie de juegos en línea que permitieran a los usuarios potenciar sus habilidades cognitivas al hilo de otras iniciativas que ya existían en el mercado. “Pensamos que lo importante era centrarse en las áreas cerebrales en las que había evidencias más sólidas sobre el papel del entrenamiento cognitivo, pero también nos dimos cuenta de que este proyecto debería contar con un grupo de expertos de distintas disciplinas”, recuerdan los padres de Unobrain.
Así, en su creación, ha participado un equipo multidisciplinar formado por neuropsicólogos, ingenieros, programadores, nutricionistas, médicos, diseñadores y meditadores, además de con la colaboración de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (URJC). “El concepto debrain fitness pretende establecer hábitos de vida cerebro-saludables entrenando el control del estrés, la neuronutrición y el ejercicio físico”, recalcan. Por todo ello, su programa gira en torno a cuatro ejes: un gimnasio cerebral con programas personalizados de entrenamiento compuesto por ejercicios que trabajan de manera lúdica la atención, la memoria, el lenguaje y la velocidad de procesamiento del usuario; un programa de control del estrés implementado a través de un dispositivo de neurofeedback (un casco de electroencefalografía que captura las frecuencias asociadas a la actividad cerebral y permite evaluar el nivel de estrés); un menú cerebro-saludable diseñado por nutricionistas y un programa de actividad física cardiocerebral que mejora las capacidades cognitivas. “Crear un hábito es difícil, por eso nuestro gran desafío era diseñar juegos que, además de útiles, fueran amenos, supusieran un reto y animaran a la capacidad de superación de los usuarios”, reconoce Sánchez.
Paloma Barjola, investigadora del Departamento de Neuropsicología de la URJC e interesada en la Neurociencia Cognitiva y Afectiva y en la Psicofisiología, aclara: “En mi grupo realizamos estudios de funcionamiento del cerebro. Tratamos de averiguar qué áreas están involucradas en determinadas tareas, como la memoria, la concentración o el lenguaje y, a la luz de nuestros conocimientos, asesoramos en el desarrollo de los juegos de Unobrain. Lo que buscábamos los profesionales es un programa de entrenamiento cognitivo que no trabaje solo una función, sino que ejercite de forma más o menos equilibrada la atención, la memoria, la concentración o el cálculo”. Esta experta admite: “Hemos constatado que los entrenamientos de 15 a 20 minutos tres días por semana de determinadas funciones cognitivas ayudan a su mejoría”. Y refrenda sus palabras mencionando un estudio llevado a cabo con pacientes afectadas de fibromialgia, una enfermedad que causa dolores musculares, cansancio y falta de memoria. Los datos muestran que, tras una breve intervención cognitiva en línea, la atención selectiva, la fluidez verbal y la velocidad de procesamiento mental de estos pacientes mejoran en comparación con los que no ejercitan su mente a través de esta herramienta.
Un trabajo mental diario
“Es importante asimilar que, al igual que entrenamos y cuidamos de nuestro cuerpo para mejorar nuestra calidad de vida y prevenir enfermedades, trabajar nuestra mente puede que no impida que desarrollemos Alzheimer, pero sí que preservemos un mayor número de habilidades cognitivas”, recalca la investigadora de la UJRC. Desde este punto de vista, millones de personas en el mundo se están inscribiendo (en EE UU se prevé que este sector supere los 2.000 millones de dólares en 2015). El motivo, según los expertos, es que hay más conciencia de que el cerebro se desarrolla y se preserva en función de lo que hacemos en nuestras vidas. Las personas que están envejeciendo ahora son más saludables y desean mantener sus cerebros vivos.
¿Cuántas palabras recuerda?
En la web de Unobrain hay muchos juegos con los que entrenar ‘online’. Proponemos uno para testar su estado y que le pique la curiosidad…
Palabrejas. Haga un listado de 10 palabras de varios campos semánticos. Elíjalas de memoria o búsquelas en esta misma web. Léalas una sola vez, durante un máximo de 10 segundos. Escríbalas después en un cuaderno (no haga trampas: es fácil que se le vaya la vista). Acertar 7 u 8 es lo normal. Si tiene entre 9 y 10 coincidencias, significa que su cerebro está engrasado a la perfección. Y si no llega a 6 debería comenzar a entrenar. En pocos días lo notará.
lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015
Banks biodiversity: nature is priceless?
traducido por Federico Dilla
Banks biodiversity: nature is priceless?
Por Santiago Rosero
The destruction of biodiversity on the planet is a fact, and in front of it were created in the 80s, in the US, market mechanisms intended to keep it in both private and public lands. In the context of this logic, environmental markets emerged, called banks biodiversity.
For some are inappropriate, while others are controversial and even harmful.
Allows compensation for environmental damage that would result, for example, building an infrastructure, through the execution of repair projects, either in the same place or in another similar. In that case, the same construction company can recover the tampered with, or similar area and can even pay someone to do it. Thus the mechanism takes shape biodiversity banks.
The promoters of biodiversity banks see them as instruments of development which respects the environment and as a rational way to promote conservation. By contrast, critics of this system consider involves the risk that the world of finance extend its control over natural resources; note further that regard nature as a commodity is nonsense.
The basis of the logic of biodiversity markets on the idea that nature provides environmental services and that in the case of conservation, it is these services that must be addressed.
Currently, there are about six hundred conservation banks in the world, mostly in the United States and a few in Western Europe and Australia. There are various habitats and species concerned by these mechanisms Condition: forests, beaches, wetlands, bush dogs, cactus, lizards, flies. Among all this diversity, the treatment given to seeds for food and medicinal applications are sensitive issues.
Perhaps one of the main problems of conservation banks are property of these resources and the award of a price.
Many questions arise around these issues. What kind of habitats and species which are chosen for conservation? Who makes the selection? Is it easy to find areas of remediation really compensate affected? Is it possible to ensure long-term preservation? But above all one might wonder whether it is possible to quantify biodiversity.
Interviewees: David Alvarez Garcia, executive director Ecoacsa, Biodiversity Reserve; Henk Hobbelink coordinator Grain, environmental and social international organization.
Bancos de biodiversidad: ¿la naturaleza tiene precio?
Por Santiago Rosero
traducido por Federico Dilla
Banks biodiversity: nature is priceless?
Por Santiago Rosero
The destruction of biodiversity on the planet is a fact, and in front of it were created in the 80s, in the US, market mechanisms intended to keep it in both private and public lands. In the context of this logic, environmental markets emerged, called banks biodiversity.
For some are inappropriate, while others are controversial and even harmful.
Allows compensation for environmental damage that would result, for example, building an infrastructure, through the execution of repair projects, either in the same place or in another similar. In that case, the same construction company can recover the tampered with, or similar area and can even pay someone to do it. Thus the mechanism takes shape biodiversity banks.
The promoters of biodiversity banks see them as instruments of development which respects the environment and as a rational way to promote conservation. By contrast, critics of this system consider involves the risk that the world of finance extend its control over natural resources; note further that regard nature as a commodity is nonsense.
The basis of the logic of biodiversity markets on the idea that nature provides environmental services and that in the case of conservation, it is these services that must be addressed.
Currently, there are about six hundred conservation banks in the world, mostly in the United States and a few in Western Europe and Australia. There are various habitats and species concerned by these mechanisms Condition: forests, beaches, wetlands, bush dogs, cactus, lizards, flies. Among all this diversity, the treatment given to seeds for food and medicinal applications are sensitive issues.
Perhaps one of the main problems of conservation banks are property of these resources and the award of a price.
Many questions arise around these issues. What kind of habitats and species which are chosen for conservation? Who makes the selection? Is it easy to find areas of remediation really compensate affected? Is it possible to ensure long-term preservation? But above all one might wonder whether it is possible to quantify biodiversity.
Interviewees: David Alvarez Garcia, executive director Ecoacsa, Biodiversity Reserve; Henk Hobbelink coordinator Grain, environmental and social international organization.
Bancos de biodiversidad: ¿la naturaleza tiene precio?
Por Santiago Rosero
La destrucción de la biodiversidad en el planeta es un hecho, y frente a ella se crearon en los años 80, en Estados Unidos, mecanismos de mercado con la intención de conservarla en territorios tanto privados como públicos. En el contexto de esta lógica, surgieron los mercados ambientales, los denominados bancos de biodiversidad.
Para algunos constituyen una opción adecuada, mientras que para otros son controversiales y hasta nocivos.
Permiten la compensación de los daños ambientales que produciría, por ejemplo, la construcción una obra de infraestructura, por medio de la ejecución de proyectos de reparación, ya sea en el mismo lugar o en otro semejante. En ese caso, la misma empresa constructora puede realizar la recuperación de la zona intervenida, o similar, e incluso puede pagar a alguien para que lo haga. Es así como toma forma el mecanismo de los bancos de biodiversidad.
Los promotores de los bancos de biodiversidad los ven como instrumentos de un desarrollo respetuoso del ambiente y como una forma racional de promover su conservación. Por el contrario, los críticos de este sistema consideran que comporta el riesgo de que el mundo de las finanzas extienda su control sobre los recursos naturales; señalan además que considerar a la naturaleza como una mercancía es un desatino.
La base de la lógica de los mercados de biodiversidad parte de la idea de que la naturaleza ofrece servicios ambientales y de que, en el caso de la conservación, es a esos servicios a los que se tiene que atender.
Actualmente, existen alrededor de seiscientos bancos de conservación en el mundo, la mayoría en Estados Unidos y unos cuantos en Europa Occidental y en Australia. Hay diversos hábitats y especies concernidas por estos mecanismos de conservación: bosques, playas, humedales, perros de monte, cáctus, lagartijas, moscas. Entre toda esa diversidad, el tratamiento que se da a las semillas de alimentos y a las aplicaciones medicinales constituyen temas sensibles.
Quizás uno de los principales problemas de los bancos de conservación es la propiedad de esos recursos y la adjudicación de un precio.
Se plantean muchas interrogantes en torno a estos asuntos. ¿Qué tipo de hábitats y qué especies se escogen para la conservación? ¿Quién hace la selección? ¿Es fácil encontrar zonas de remediación que realmente compensen las afectadas? ¿Es posible garantizar la conservación a largo plazo? Pero sobre todo cabría preguntarse si es posible cuantificar la biodiversidad.
Entrevistados: David Alvarez García, director ejecutivo de Ecoacsa, Reserva de Biodiversidad; Henk Hobbelink, coordinador de Grain, organización internacional ambiental y social.
Permiten la compensación de los daños ambientales que produciría, por ejemplo, la construcción una obra de infraestructura, por medio de la ejecución de proyectos de reparación, ya sea en el mismo lugar o en otro semejante. En ese caso, la misma empresa constructora puede realizar la recuperación de la zona intervenida, o similar, e incluso puede pagar a alguien para que lo haga. Es así como toma forma el mecanismo de los bancos de biodiversidad.
Los promotores de los bancos de biodiversidad los ven como instrumentos de un desarrollo respetuoso del ambiente y como una forma racional de promover su conservación. Por el contrario, los críticos de este sistema consideran que comporta el riesgo de que el mundo de las finanzas extienda su control sobre los recursos naturales; señalan además que considerar a la naturaleza como una mercancía es un desatino.
La base de la lógica de los mercados de biodiversidad parte de la idea de que la naturaleza ofrece servicios ambientales y de que, en el caso de la conservación, es a esos servicios a los que se tiene que atender.
Actualmente, existen alrededor de seiscientos bancos de conservación en el mundo, la mayoría en Estados Unidos y unos cuantos en Europa Occidental y en Australia. Hay diversos hábitats y especies concernidas por estos mecanismos de conservación: bosques, playas, humedales, perros de monte, cáctus, lagartijas, moscas. Entre toda esa diversidad, el tratamiento que se da a las semillas de alimentos y a las aplicaciones medicinales constituyen temas sensibles.
Quizás uno de los principales problemas de los bancos de conservación es la propiedad de esos recursos y la adjudicación de un precio.
Se plantean muchas interrogantes en torno a estos asuntos. ¿Qué tipo de hábitats y qué especies se escogen para la conservación? ¿Quién hace la selección? ¿Es fácil encontrar zonas de remediación que realmente compensen las afectadas? ¿Es posible garantizar la conservación a largo plazo? Pero sobre todo cabría preguntarse si es posible cuantificar la biodiversidad.
Entrevistados: David Alvarez García, director ejecutivo de Ecoacsa, Reserva de Biodiversidad; Henk Hobbelink, coordinador de Grain, organización internacional ambiental y social.
The Interim Management: a commitment to flexible and productive direction: Traffic managers for certain times
traducido por Federico Dilla
The Interim Management: a commitment to flexible and productive direction:
Traffic managers for certain times
Provision of services and management by an outside professional for a period of time that is to attain a certain strategic objective within the organization. "This is the definition of interim management -looking a translation into Castilian, address of transition- makes Alberto Fernández Varela, Servitalent founder and secretary of the Interim Management Association Spain -Aime- partner. More news on the free supplement elEconomista Management
This holiday executives came to Spain in the 90s, "although the greatest growth has occurred in the last 10 years with companies seeking flexible management models and high productivity to meet the continuous changes in the environment and need to compete in globalized and demanding markets, "Fernandez said. His company, Servitalent, is only a year and has three business lines: to incorporate effective structural needs, incorporating effective for short-term needs and improve the productivity of existing staff.
"The interim management is one of the four modalities offered in line rental services managers with the head-sharing rent of part-time officers to cover operational departments in SMEs, first, the mentoring junior-to accompany young high potential in the race for positions with responsibility within the firm and excutive training-for dissemination events management or training processes in company- ".
And right now, the interim management constitutes 40% of its business. Services are routinely defendants "by companies that are under international expansion and professionals who want not only to enable the development of the core business, but also managers that allow professionalize other back office functions over -RRHH and financial-support that growth. " This in regards to established companies. In startups, slowly, "begin valued formulas for incorporating interim managers for the direction and management of start-ups before and after rounds funded by business angels".
And what are the requirements to be a good manager in transit? "The basic skills required are proven experience in leadership and management, flexibility to address situations of uncertainty and high productivity."
Fernandez, in turn, is secretary of Aime. Their goal: to combine efforts and interests of professionals who provided these services to companies in Spain. And more specifically, "there are two priority objectives can be summarized qualitatively in reputation and professionalism of the interim manager as a significant figure in the new models of business management," Fernandez said. The association currently has approximately 200 associates located throughout Spain: to date, are already represented 12 of the 17 autonomous communities.
traducido por Federico Dilla
Traffic managers for certain times
Provision of services and management by an outside professional for a period of time that is to attain a certain strategic objective within the organization. "This is the definition of interim management -looking a translation into Castilian, address of transition- makes Alberto Fernández Varela, Servitalent founder and secretary of the Interim Management Association Spain -Aime- partner. More news on the free supplement elEconomista Management
This holiday executives came to Spain in the 90s, "although the greatest growth has occurred in the last 10 years with companies seeking flexible management models and high productivity to meet the continuous changes in the environment and need to compete in globalized and demanding markets, "Fernandez said. His company, Servitalent, is only a year and has three business lines: to incorporate effective structural needs, incorporating effective for short-term needs and improve the productivity of existing staff.
"The interim management is one of the four modalities offered in line rental services managers with the head-sharing rent of part-time officers to cover operational departments in SMEs, first, the mentoring junior-to accompany young high potential in the race for positions with responsibility within the firm and excutive training-for dissemination events management or training processes in company- ".
And right now, the interim management constitutes 40% of its business. Services are routinely defendants "by companies that are under international expansion and professionals who want not only to enable the development of the core business, but also managers that allow professionalize other back office functions over -RRHH and financial-support that growth. " This in regards to established companies. In startups, slowly, "begin valued formulas for incorporating interim managers for the direction and management of start-ups before and after rounds funded by business angels".
And what are the requirements to be a good manager in transit? "The basic skills required are proven experience in leadership and management, flexibility to address situations of uncertainty and high productivity."
Fernandez, in turn, is secretary of Aime. Their goal: to combine efforts and interests of professionals who provided these services to companies in Spain. And more specifically, "there are two priority objectives can be summarized qualitatively in reputation and professionalism of the interim manager as a significant figure in the new models of business management," Fernandez said. The association currently has approximately 200 associates located throughout Spain: to date, are already represented 12 of the 17 autonomous communities.
El Interim Management: una apuesta por la dirección flexible y productiva:
Directivos de tránsito para momentos determinados
Prestación de un servicio de dirección y gestión por parte de un profesional externo durante un periodo de tiempo determinado que tiene como fin alcanzar un determinado objetivo estratégico dentro de la organización". Esta es la definición de interim management -buscando una traducción al castellano, dirección de transición- que hace Alberto Fernández Varela, socio fundador de Servitalent y secretario de la Asociación Interim Management España -Aime-. Más noticias en el suplemento gratuito elEconomista Gestión Empresarial
Este alquiler de directivos llegó a España en los años 90, "aunque el mayor crecimiento se ha dado en los últimos 10 años con la búsqueda de las empresas de modelos de gestión flexibles y de alta productividad para afrontar los continuos cambios en el entorno y la necesidad de competir en mercados más globalizados y exigentes", explica Fernández. Su compañía, Servitalent, tiene sólo un año y cuenta con tres líneas de negocio: incorporar efectivos para necesidades estructurales, incorporar efectivos para necesidades coyunturales y mejorar la productividad de los efectivos actuales.
"El interim management es una de las cuatro modalidades ofertadas en la línea de servicios de alquiler de directivos junto con el head-sharing -alquiler de directivos a tiempo parcial para cubrir direcciones funcionales en las pymes-, el junior mentoring -para acompañar a jóvenes con alto potencial en su carrera hacia puestos con responsabilidad en la empresa- y el excutive training -para eventos de difusión de management o procesos formativos in company-".
Y en estos momentos, el interim management constituye el 40% de su negocio. Son servicios demandados habitualmente "por empresas que están en fase de expansión internacional y que quieren no sólo profesionales que permitan el desarrollo del core del negocio, si no también directivos que permitan profesionalizar otras funciones más de back office -RRHH y financiero- que apoyen ese crecimiento". Esto en lo que se refiere a empresas consolidadas. En empresas de reciente creación, poco a poco, "empiezan valorarse formulas para la incorporación de interim managers para la dirección y gestión de start-ups antes y después de las rondas de capitalización por parte de business angels".
¿Y cuáles son los requisitos para ser un buen directivo en tránsito ? "Las competencias básicas que se requieren son experiencia contrastada en dirección y gestión, flexibilidad para afrontar situaciones de incertidumbre y alta productividad".
Fernández, a su vez, es secretario de Aime. Su objetivo: aunar esfuerzos e intereses de profesionales que prestaban este tipo de servicios para empresas en España. Y más en concreto, "existen dos objetivos prioritarios que de forma cualitativa podemos resumir en notoriedad y profesionalización del interim manager como figura relevante en los nuevos modelos de management empresarial", explica Fernández. La asociación cuenta actualmente con aproximadamente 200 asociados distribuidos por toda España: a fecha de hoy, se encuentran ya representadas 12 de las 17 Comunidades autónomas.
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