traducido por Federico Dilla
A list of 100 famous quotes about God said through the history of mankind for very important people, believers and nonbelievers.
100 famous quotes about God
The expressions and thoughts below can serve to remind us once again of the greatness of our Creator, make us laugh a little or just make us see that even though many people do not believe in God, this has not been an impediment to express themselves in ways very deep and fun about that being who is real for many and for others not so.
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- Any fool can count the seeds in an apple looks. Only God can count all the apples that will come out of a seed. ~ Robert H. Schuller
- God is not mere mortals to lie and change your mind. Do not keep your promises or carry out what he says? ~ Moises
- Every morning I give my worries to God, and that's going to be up all the night. ~ Mary C. Crowley
- God loves each of us as if there were only one of us. ~ San Agustin
- Young man, young man, your arm is too short to box with God. ~ James Weldon Johnson
- God understands our prayers even when we can not find the words to express them. ~ Author Unknown
- What we are is God's gift to us. As we become is our gift to God. ~ Eleanor Powell
- A man with God is always with the majority. ~ John Knox
- You can tell the size of your God by looking at the size of your list of concerns. The longer your list is, the smaller your God. ~ Author Unknown
- But God is my helper; the Lord who sustains me. ~ David
- Maybe the atheist can not find God for the same reason a thief can not find a policeman. ~ Author Unknown
- A man can not reduce God's glory by refusing to worship Him, like a lunatic can put out the sun not to scratch the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell. ~ Q.s. Lewis,
- The soul can split the sky in two and let the face of God shine through the clouds. ~ Edna St. Vincent Millay
- The love of God is never finished, and compassion is never exhausted. ~ Jeremiah
- God is not an errand that when we press a button does what we want. ~ Harry Emerson Fosdick
- It is the feeling that God is also on the trip with us. ~ Teresa of Avila
- Once one has seen God, what is the remedy? ~ Sylvia Plath
- God says will rescue those who love me, protect those who trust in me. ~ David
- As the poet said, 'Only God can make a tree "- perhaps because it is very difficult to invent how to place him bark. ~ Woody Allen
- God, the most popular scapegoat for our sins ~ Mark Twain
- But I've always thought that the best way to know God is to love many things. ~ Vincent van Gogh
- No matter how much I investigate and try, I am not able to believe in God; But oh, I hope God steadfastly believes in me. ~ E.Y. Harburg
- People see God every day, but just do not recognize. ~ Pearl Bailey
- How tired God must be of sadness and guilt, because that's all we bring you. ~ Mignon McLaughlin
- Do not be deceived: God is not mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. ~ San Pablo
- The will of God is not a journey, rather an attitude. ~ Andrew Dhuse
- Let God's promises shine on your problems. ~ Corrie Ten Boom
- I just hope God does not get tired of dreaming about me. ~ Author Unknown
- You found God? If no one claims within 30 days, you can stay with him! ~ Author Unknown
- The gifts of God far outweigh man's dreams. ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning
- I know God will not give me anything I can not handle. Although I wish he did not trust so much in me. ~ Mother Teresa
- I simply am not able to imagine, a force, a cause that keeps the planets revolving in its orbit, and then suddenly stopped to give me a bike 3 speed. ~ Quentin Crisp
- And we have come to know and believe that God loves us. God is love. He who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. ~ San Juan
- Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God. ~ Diana Robinson
- Because God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ~ San Juan
- Some stand on his tiptoes trying to reach God to speak with him - these trying so hard my friend - kneel down and listen and you will hear the best. ~ Ever Garrison
- God: a disease from which we believe we are already cured because nobody will die from this. ~ M.S. Cioran
- It is easy to understand God as you try not explain how the ~ Joseph Joubert.
- Some of the best gifts of God are unanswered prayers. ~ Garth Brooks
- It is useless to call certain things sent-by-God! As if there was anything else in the world. ~ Augustus William
- God enters by a private door into every individual. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God. ~ Leo Buscaglia
- God is the perfect poet. ~ Robert Browning
- God is not what you imagine or what you think you understand. If you understand it failed. ~ San Agustin
- God is not the name of God is nothing but an opinion about Him ~ Pope Xystus I,.
- The promises of God are like stars; Among darkest night is more strongly shine. ~ David Nicholas
- I feel that most ministers who claim they hear the voice of God are eating too much pizza before going to sleep at night, and everything is a stomach problem, not a revelation. ~ Rev. Jerry Falwell
- Apart from God, all activity is negligible. ~ Alfred North Whitehead
- Remember this. When people choose to withdraw from the fire, the fire continues giving warmth, but they are cooled. When people choose to move away from the light, the light remains bright but they are in the dark. This is exactly what happens when people away from God. ~ San Agustin
- There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, "Thy will be done," and those to whom God says, "Very well, then, you do as you like." ~ Q.s. Lewis
- Every day people are moving away from the path of the church and returning to God. ~ Lenny Bruce.
- If there were no God, we would be in this wonderful world with grateful hearts and no one to thank. ~ Christina Rossetti
- Life is God's novel. Let's write it. ~ Isaac Bashevis Singer
- You are not required to wear evening dress to meet God. ~ Austin O'Malley
- When you call, ask for God - not by their servants. ~ Henry David Thoreau
- Your mind works very simply: O is trying to discover the laws of God to follow; or are trying to cheat. ~ Martin H. Fischer
- I've been hiding from God, and I am amazed at how easy it is. ~ Mignon McLaughlin
-Many People want to give God the credit for something, but so few ever give cash. ~ Robert E. Harris
- While God is revealed, or does not, He is acting like God. ~ Mignon McLaughlin
- There is a God-shaped vacuum in every heart. ~ Blaise Pascal
- Do not seek God where it is most needed; if you did not bring him there, He is not there. ~ Mignon McLaughlin
- We climb mountains because they are there and worship God for what is not. ~ Mignon McLaughlin
- There is no pillow so soft as the promises of God. ~ Author Unknown
- To find the light I go directly to the source, not where her reflection. ~ Peace Pilgrim
- Some people talk about finding God as if he might lose. ~ Author Unknown
- Because after all, whatever you want to say, everyone from birth to death invited to a table that we do not serve. The sun, earth, love, friends, our own breath are parts of banquet .... We should think about the day as an opportunity to meet our host, and know something about him that has fed us all this time ~ Rebecca Harding Davis
- I believe in God, only I do not trust anyone who works for The ~ Author unknown.
- All I've seen makes me trust God for everything I have not seen. ~ Author Unknown
- He who kneels in front of God can stand before anyone. ~ Author Unknown
- The outer peace comes from knowing God within. ~ Author Unknown
- God often visits us, but most of the time we are not home. ~ Joseph Roux
- Those who seek God in search of tranquility are going to find but not think they will find God. ~ Mignon McLaughlin
- God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere. ~ Timaeus of Locris
- Trust the Señorcon all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. ~ Salomon
- God, the dump for our dreams. ~ Jean Rostand
- When we lose God is not God who is lost. ~ Author Unknown
- Those who never rebelled against God, or at some point in their lives raised their fists to the heavens, was found with God. ~ Catherine Marshall
- If God did not exist it would be necessary to invent him. ~ Voltaire
- I had a thousand questions to ask God; but when I met all flew off and no longer seemed important. ~ Christopher Morley
- Do not question God that He can answer: "If you are so eager to know the answers, climb up here better." ~ Author Unknown
- But rather walk with God in the dark only in the light. ~ Mary Gardiner Brainard
- Man is broken and lives to be repaired. The grace of God is glue. ~ Eugene ONeill
-.Paz Is not the absence of trouble, rather the presence of God. ~ Author Unknown
- If you are not as close to God as usual, who moved? ~ Author Unknown
- As a father pities his children, so the Lord of those who fear him. ~ David
- I never understood why he considered offensive to assume that the creator has a sense of humor. ~ William Ralph Inge
- When we put our cares in His hands, He puts His peace in our hearts. ~ Author Unknown
- Make daily exercise. Walk with the Lord! ~ Author Unknown
- Every morning invest 15 minutes filling my mind with God; thus no room for problems. ~ Howard Chandler Christy
- I believe in the sun is not shining. I believe in love even when I'm alone. I believe in God even when silent. ~ Author Unknown
- Darkness can not put out the light. You can only make God brighter. ~ Author Unknown
- No God, no peace. Know God, know peace. ~ Author Unknown
Una lista con 100 frases celebres sobre Dios dichas a traves de la historia de la humanidad por personas muy importantes, creyentes y no creyentes.
Las expresiones y pensamientos a continuacion pueden servir para recordarnos una vez mas de la grandeza de nuestro creador, hacernos reir un poco o simplemente hacernos ver que a pesar de que mucha gente no cree en Dios, esto no ha sido impedimento para expresarse de formas muy profundas y divertidas sobre ese ser que para muchos es real y para otros no tanto.
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