lunes, 13 de junio de 2016

The new road of internationalization digital

traducido por Federico Dilla

The new road of internationalization digital
by Enrique Fanjul 2/06/20166

Posted in International Economics

Internationalization digital / digital transformation. Blog ElcanoLos electronic markets or marketplaces like Alibaba and Amazon, have become a channel for the export of growing importance, and ample opportunities for the future. They can be especially useful for small and medium lacking resources to successfully address a conventional process of internationalization companies canal. The recent announcement of an agreement between Post and the Chinese group Alibaba, which manages the largest marketplace in the world, is positive news sense.

Digitization is affecting all spheres of our lives. It is also affecting the operation of enterprises, in its different aspects. As regards international activity, digitization offers the possibility to overcome some major barriers to the internationalization of companies.

SMEs actually face a number of barriers to develop an internationalization process: lack of financial resources, lack of prepared managers, difficulties in obtaining information on foreign markets and to identify potential customers or partners.

The latter, customer identification is a key obstacle, although one might think that with advances in information that has enabled Internet would become less important. Through Internet you can get a lot of information, but it must have the ability to study and evaluate it; and here we are again with the barriers of the unpreparedness of human resources.

The fundamental function is performed by marketplaces connect buyers and sellers. For a company can be an extremely effective way to locate customers, without having to travel, participate in fairs, instruct other companies that will identify customers via, without having to study the solvency of these potential buyers, as these platforms have systems payment that allow virtually eliminate the risk of default.

This is the meaning in theory the agreement between Alibaba and Post. On the one hand, the Spanish company will provide logistics solutions for Spanish consumers who buy products on AliExpress, the platform that connects Chinese sellers with the world. On the other, Post facilitate sales of Spanish companies in T-Mall Global platform aimed at Chinese consumers.

Apart from customer identification and facilitation payments, these platforms can perform other useful functions. One of them is the logistics for the shipment of goods. Amazon, for example, offers logistics Amazon as a service where the company ships its products to a logistics center for Amazon, it stores, prepares and then sends to buyers. Amazon offers even customer service.

Transparency and customer identification, collection of sales, logistics: probably these are the three areas, which normally constitute a serious obstacle to the export of many companies, in connection with which a channel marketplacespueden be very useful. In particular are obstacles to SMEs, which today are "pushed" or encouraged to go to foreign markets, as an irreversible need to survive, regardless of who often do not have the means or training to operate in markets international.

Marketplaces can help reduce barriers in all three areas we mentioned, reducing the costs of international business activity, and therefore the need for resources.

Now this does not mean that the requirements for international work have disappeared, far from it. Although they are lower in the marketplaces, companies still need resources and trained personnel, for a number of tasks:

study the characteristics of consumers who will buy online, tastes, etc .;
study what your competitors are, what features and prices of its products;
ride your online store in the marketplaces, with information in English or in the language required;
deal with queries from buyers;
study the impact that may have on the exchange platforms on which the sale is not made in euros, or tariffs or other import restrictions; etc.
Marketplaces are digital platforms, which is cheaper to operate, but they also have their marketing requirements in this case digital- marketing and management.

And then, another key issue that unfortunately few companies fail is the decumplir with seriousness and rigor with the conditions of operations Sales in the terms and conditions stated. A company that is the subject of claims and returns, may end up penalized or even excluded from a marketplace.

The digital internationalization opens a wide range of opportunities. No doubt it will become a major channel for export. But operate successfully in marketplacesexige also certain means and seriousness. Business cooperation, or have the advice of specialized companies, can be a solution for many companies.

La nueva vía de la internacionalización digital