traducido por Federico Dilla
Do you want your products leave the first in Amazon? The e-commerce giant makes available to companies that sell through its Central Vendor ad platform (Amazon Marketing Sevices) enabling promote products quickly and efficiently. We explain step by step how it works and what types of ads can be performed.
Amazon Marketing Services is available only for companies using Vendor Central, ie selling their products directly to Amazon, not consumers. In this post you can learn more about how the Vendor Central Amazon. Also, you should know that AMS (acronym Amazon Marketing Services) is not available in all countries at the moment is offered to companies that have Vendor in the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom.
Ad Types
You can perform three types of ads:
Sponsored 1- products. The aim of this type of ad is to promote a product. The ad will appear on the right column of Amazon when consumers make a search with the keywords that have previously chosen. For example, if someone searches for "smartphones" on Amazon UK we can see that Sony is announcing one of its models.
sponsored product
In these ads, as in the Headline mode, you can manually choose keywords for which we bid in our advertisements or we can let it be Amazon who show the ad with the keywords they consider most appropriate taking into account the type of products we sell. Amazon advises the automatic mode at first and then see the keywords that we are providing clicks and sales to create a new ad with chosen keywords manually. The two ads can live without being competitive.
2 - Headline search. The purpose of these ads is to promote a set of products. The advertisement will appear at the top of the results when the consumer do any search with the keywords that have previously chosen. For example, if we look covers for iPhone on Amazon UK we can see that Urban Armor Gear is being advertised:
headline product
Unlike what happens with Sponsored Products in Headline Search ads can add a phrase, choose a picture and also includes always the call to action "Shop now". When the user clicks on the ad a page is displayed with all the products that the advertising company wants to show the consumer:
headline product2
To choose keywords the same system as in the Sponsored Products, you can be performed manually or automatically follow.
3 - Product display. The purpose of this notice is to promote a product where the consumer is already in the record of another competing product or in products with which we want to sell. It appears in the right column of Amazon products. For example, the tab for the Iphone 5 a universal optical adapter advertised.
product display
In this type of advertising you must choose one by one the products where we want the ad to show:
product display2
AMS works similar to Google Adwords or Facebook Ads. It is ad bid auction in which you pay per click. Our experience managing clients in Amvos ads Consulting is that the cost per click is not expensive and can be about 15 cents per click. The cost per click is more elevedo in ads Product Display type.
In campaigns Sponsored Products must establish that budget we spend daily, with a minimum of 1 pound or 1 euro per day.
Headline in campaigns Product Search and Display we set a budget for the entire campaign.
Amazon offers complete control over our advertising campaign, so that at any time can stop ads or extend the dates of publication of advertising and increase or decrease the budget.
Once the ads are underway, AMS offers a lot of statistics that we consult regularly to review the operation of the campaigns. Among other data, we indicate the impressions (the number of times the ad was shown), the number of clicks (how many times consumers are clicking on ads), cost per click, how much we spent and total sales .
Amazon AMS statistics
In general, the ad platform AMS helps the branding and increase sales, as well as being an excellent tool to reach that audience is not seeing our products if competition is better placed organically.