Word wranglers: 5 apps that make writing easier
traduccion de Federico Dilla
Blog de Laurence O'Bryan
Quick: Picture a writer in your head. An image of a bearded old man, hunched over a clackety typewriter may come to mind. But these days, a writer is more likely to be tapping away at a tablet or even a smartphone, composing anything from a business document to the next great American novel. No matter what it is you’re writing, these apps can help make the process a little easier.
Quick: Picture a writer in your head. An image of a bearded old man, hunched over a clackety typewriter may come to mind. But these days, a writer is more likely to be tapping away at a tablet or even a smartphone, composing anything from a business document to the next great American novel. No matter what it is you’re writing, these apps can help make the process a little easier.
Android, iOS, desktop browser; free
Messaging and documents. I wasn’t sure they needed one app to bring them together—not until I tried Quip. This free app (Android, iOS, Mac or PC via a web browser) lets you create documents and share them with a group of collaborators, who can then make edits and chat about the file in question. Quip’s design is very pretty, and it’s easy to create and edit a document even on a phone screen. I also like how easy it is to see who has edited the document and what changes they’ve made. I wish you could save documents in a format that was compatible with Word, but I like the offline editing and how quickly changes are synced between your various devices.
Android, iOS, desktop browser; free
Messaging and documents. I wasn’t sure they needed one app to bring them together—not until I tried Quip. This free app (Android, iOS, Mac or PC via a web browser) lets you create documents and share them with a group of collaborators, who can then make edits and chat about the file in question. Quip’s design is very pretty, and it’s easy to create and edit a document even on a phone screen. I also like how easy it is to see who has edited the document and what changes they’ve made. I wish you could save documents in a format that was compatible with Word, but I like the offline editing and how quickly changes are synced between your various devices.
iOS; $7
You can use Editorial to edit plain text documents, but if that’s all you’re doing, you’re missing out. This $7 iOS app may seem pricey, but it’s powerful, thanks to the tools it offers anyone writing for the web. Chief among these is the ability to create “workflows,” which allow you to automate actions within the app (such as copying and/or pasting all of the text), and support for Markdown, a tool that converts plain text to HTML. Some of these web-friendly tools may be overwhelming to users looking for a simple text editor, but Editorial excels there as well, thanks to its spacious keyboard (yes, even on a phone), which adds an extra row of special characters, and its ability to quickly sync your files with Dropbox.
iOS; $7
You can use Editorial to edit plain text documents, but if that’s all you’re doing, you’re missing out. This $7 iOS app may seem pricey, but it’s powerful, thanks to the tools it offers anyone writing for the web. Chief among these is the ability to create “workflows,” which allow you to automate actions within the app (such as copying and/or pasting all of the text), and support for Markdown, a tool that converts plain text to HTML. Some of these web-friendly tools may be overwhelming to users looking for a simple text editor, but Editorial excels there as well, thanks to its spacious keyboard (yes, even on a phone), which adds an extra row of special characters, and its ability to quickly sync your files with Dropbox.
iPad; free
If you prefer to jot your thoughts down by hand, Penultimate is the writer’s app for you. Part of Evernote’s impressive array of tools, Penultimate is a free app that turns your iPad into a notebook and, if you have the artistic skills and a stylus, a sketchbook as well. Like all of Evernote’s tools, it's intuitively designed, easy to use, and offers impressive syncing features. I like how it integrates with your calendar and location (if you grant it permission) so you can see where you were where when you composed your notes, a useful feature when taking notes at client sites and in meetings.
iPad; free
If you prefer to jot your thoughts down by hand, Penultimate is the writer’s app for you. Part of Evernote’s impressive array of tools, Penultimate is a free app that turns your iPad into a notebook and, if you have the artistic skills and a stylus, a sketchbook as well. Like all of Evernote’s tools, it's intuitively designed, easy to use, and offers impressive syncing features. I like how it integrates with your calendar and location (if you grant it permission) so you can see where you were where when you composed your notes, a useful feature when taking notes at client sites and in meetings.
iPad; $3
Ask almost any writer what their goal is, and they’re likely to tell you it’s to be a better writer (or, perhaps, to make more money). Phraseology, a $3 iPad app, isn’t likely to pump up your paycheck, but it may help improve your writing, thanks to the feedback it offers. It examines the words you use when you write and highlights various parts of your text, such as nouns, verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and more, so you can easily spot words and phrases you may have overused. Phraseology also offers an overview of your document, detailing the word count, the number of sentences, average words per sentence, average syllables per word and more. In addition, it shows you where you land on various readability scales, including the Flesch Kincaid scale. If you don’t like what you see, Phraseology allows you to move paragraphs and sentences quickly and easily. For me, a writing app has never felt as simple as writing on a PC, but with Phraseology the editing portion at least comes close.
iPad; $3
Ask almost any writer what their goal is, and they’re likely to tell you it’s to be a better writer (or, perhaps, to make more money). Phraseology, a $3 iPad app, isn’t likely to pump up your paycheck, but it may help improve your writing, thanks to the feedback it offers. It examines the words you use when you write and highlights various parts of your text, such as nouns, verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and more, so you can easily spot words and phrases you may have overused. Phraseology also offers an overview of your document, detailing the word count, the number of sentences, average words per sentence, average syllables per word and more. In addition, it shows you where you land on various readability scales, including the Flesch Kincaid scale. If you don’t like what you see, Phraseology allows you to move paragraphs and sentences quickly and easily. For me, a writing app has never felt as simple as writing on a PC, but with Phraseology the editing portion at least comes close.
iPad; $1
Like feedback on your writing drafts? Consider WriteRight. This $1, iPad only app serves as a plain text editor and offers support for Markdown, but it really shows its worth when you're composing. You can highlight words or phrases you might like to change, and WriteRight will suggest synonyms, antonyms, or phrases you can substitute. It’s not always a perfect tool, but it will offer you a few new options if you’re looking to expand your typical writing vocabulary.
iPad; $1
Like feedback on your writing drafts? Consider WriteRight. This $1, iPad only app serves as a plain text editor and offers support for Markdown, but it really shows its worth when you're composing. You can highlight words or phrases you might like to change, and WriteRight will suggest synonyms, antonyms, or phrases you can substitute. It’s not always a perfect tool, but it will offer you a few new options if you’re looking to expand your typical writing vocabulary.
Wranglers Word: 5 aplicaciones que hacen más fácil la escritura
Traduccion Federico Dilla
Rápida: La imagen de un escritor en su cabeza. Una imagen de un hombre viejo con barba, encorvado sobre una máquina de escribir clackety puede venir a la mente. Pero en estos días, un escritor es más probable que sea tecleando en una tableta o incluso un teléfono inteligente, componer cualquier cosa, desde un documento de negocios para la próxima gran novela americana. No importa qué es lo que estás escribiendo, estas aplicaciones pueden ayudar a hacer el proceso un poco más fácil.
Android, iOS, navegador de escritorio; libre
Mensajería y documentos. No estaba seguro de que necesitaban una aplicación para reunirlos-no hasta que probé Quip . Esta aplicación gratuita (Android, iOS, Mac o PC a través de un navegador web) le permite crear documentos y compartirlos con un grupo de colaboradores, que luego pueden hacer ediciones y charlar sobre el archivo en cuestión. Diseño de Quip es muy bonito, y es fácil de crear y editar un documento, incluso en una pantalla de teléfono. También me gusta lo fácil que es para ver quién ha editado el documento y los cambios que han hecho. Me gustaría que pudieras guardar documentos en un formato que es compatible con Word, pero me gusta la edición fuera de línea y la rapidez con que los cambios se sincronizan entre los diferentes dispositivos.
iOS; $ 7
Usted puede utilizar editorial para editar documentos de texto plano, pero si eso es todo lo que estás haciendo, te estás perdiendo. Este 7 dólares iOS aplicación puede parecer caro, pero es de gran alcance, gracias a las herramientas que ofrece nadie escribir para la web. El principal de ellos es la capacidad de crear "flujos de trabajo", que le permiten automatizar acciones dentro de la aplicación (como copiar y / o pegar todo el texto), y el apoyo a Markdown, una herramienta que convierte texto plano a HTML. Algunas de estas herramientas en la web amigable puede ser abrumador para los usuarios que buscan un editor de texto simple, pero editorial sobresale allí también, gracias a su amplio teclado (sí, incluso en un teléfono), lo que añade una fila adicional de caracteres especiales, y su capacidad para sincronizar rápidamente los archivos con Dropbox.
iPad; libre
Si prefiere anotar sus pensamientos con la mano, Penúltima es aplicación del escritor para usted. Parte del impresionante conjunto de herramientas de Evernote, Penúltima es una aplicación gratuita que convierte tu iPad en un bloc de notas y, si usted tiene las habilidades artísticas y un lápiz, un cuaderno de dibujo también. Al igual que todas las herramientas de Evernote, que está diseñado de manera intuitiva, fácil de usar, y ofrece impresionantes características de sincronización. Me gusta la forma en que se integra con el calendario y la ubicación (si es que concedas permiso) para que pueda ver dónde estabas cuando cuando compusiste sus notas, una característica útil cuando se toman notas en sitios del cliente y en las reuniones.
iPad; $ 3
Pregunta casi cualquier escritor lo que su objetivo es, y son propensos a decir que es ser un mejor escritor (o, tal vez, para ganar más dinero). Fraseología , una aplicación para iPad de $ 3, no es probable que la bomba de su cheque de pago , pero puede ayudar a mejorar su escritura, gracias a la retroalimentación que ofrece. En él se examinan las palabras que usa cuando escribe y pone de relieve varias partes de su texto, como los sustantivos, verbos, preposiciones, conjunciones, y más, para que puedas ver fácilmente las palabras y frases que usted puede haber exceso.Fraseología también ofrece una visión general de su documento, detallando el número de palabras, el número de frases, palabras promedio por frase, sílabas promedio por palabra y más. Además, usted donde usted aterriza en varias escalas de legibilidad, incluyendo la escala de Flesch Kincaid muestra. Si no te gusta lo que ves, Fraseología le permite mover párrafos y frases de forma rápida y sencilla. Para mí, una aplicación de escritura nunca se ha sentido tan simple como escribir en un PC, pero con Fraseología la parte de edición, al menos, se acerca.
iPad; $ 1
Al igual que comentarios sobre los borradores de escritura?Considere WriteRight . Este iPad única aplicación de $ 1, sirve como un editor de texto plano y ofrece soporte para Markdown, pero lo que realmente muestra su valor cuando se está componiendo. Puede resaltar palabras o frases que te pueden gustar a cambiar, y va a sugerir WriteRight sinónimos, antónimos, o frases se puede sustituir. No siempre es una herramienta perfecta, pero le ofrecerá algunas opciones nuevas, si usted está mirando para ampliar su vocabulario típico de la escritura.