Rituals Iberians in the XXI century
In Spain many times we look out, being interested exciting cultures such as the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans ... But what we do not need to abandon our bull hide to encounter cultures and sites like attractive, even more. Such is the case of the protohistoric culture of the Iberians. In the coming days will be held one of their rituals in southern Spain who may attend whosoever. We had the opportunity to speak with Arturo Ruiz, director of the Andalusian Center of Iberian Archaeology from the University of Jaen, which we answered several questions about this culture. By David Benedict
September 19, 2014
Rituals Iberians in the XXI century
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ARQUEOHUELLAS: Unearthing the past
Who were the Iberians?
The Iberians are a group of villages in protohistoric times, like the Celts, the Etruscans or the Lucan among others, which are inserted into the Mediterranean Koine thanks to people like the Greeks or Phoenicians structuring an extraordinary network of contacts and exchanges and in this geographical context develop a process leading to the emergence and development of the city, the birth and consolidation of an aristocratic society, the emergence of new technologies such as iron, or potter's wheel arboriculture and the emergence of writing.
How these people lived and had social and political organization?
Like any urban society Iberians lived in fortified nuclei, the Romans gave it the name oppida. Each of these centers was ruled by an aristocratic family representing a lineage that expanded over time through pacts and customer loyalty. From the third century B.C. started to become real states to a system of pyramid customers by the territorial princes who became dependent on others and oppida developed to reach some of them as Edeta Castulo or city levels created. Iberian society was composed of nuclear family units through the clientele had land for cultivation and arboriculture mainly cereal and were part of the army of the prince of the oppidum. In any case there are large differences from one area to another.
What part of the Iberian Peninsula were seated?
Included in the Iberian territories geographic space from the south of France (Provence and Roussillon) to Andalucií, at least to Cordoba and Malaga, when you consider the tartesios as a distinct ethnic group to the Iberians. In any case, the long time it took to Iberian culture caused some areas that were not iberas, as the eastern part of the province of Cordoba and Jaen West, had just so.
A chronological level, what this temporary fork prerromano people lived?
It usually identifies the development of the culture of the Iberian between s. VI B.C. and s. I B.C., knowing that from s. II the Romans had conquered the Iberian country. However despite this political fact many Iberian cultural characteristics persist at least until the time of Augustus or Flavian in s. I A.D. Like writing, burial rituals, social structure etc lineages ...
In the case of "La Puerta del Sol", where you are and what kind of site is it?
The Puerta del Sol is one of the gates of the oppidum Puente Tablas, on the bank of river Guadalbullon and four kilometers north of the city of Jaen, rebuilt in the s. V BC, changing the orientation of the front door of s. VII B.C. It is however a unique door as we shall see, with a clear symbolic. Near the door was a sanctuary excavated terraces, over three hundred square meters dedicated to a deity who could represent Astarte or Aphrodite or an Indian goddess, perhaps Betatum with caves and oracular rites of initiation. Inside the oppidum were able to establish three distinct zones: the Puerta del Sol and his shrine associated with the cult, an urban area of five parallel and blocks of similar size, defined by a dividing wall to open houses on either street streets immediate; last a palatial area that has been excavated by the time the residence of the prince.
Can you describe the door and explain their function and symbolism to which it is associated?
The Puerta del Sol is located on this side of the powerful fortification s. VII. C. oppidum Puente Tablas and was rectified somewhat in the middle of s. V B.C. so that its orientation was exactly this, ie the equinox both spring and autumn. The structure is a 14 meter long corridor that starts outside and goes in its first part, between two large advanced bastions. After what must have been going through the actual door from the hinges are kept and where the width of the corridor of four down to two meters. At this transition point two cubic stones, one of which covers an underground altar where found seven pregnant sows with their infants and three goats were discovered. In subsequent ritual sacrifices the lower jaws of the bristles pointing to the center of the corridor is east were deposited. The other big stone must have been the sacrificial altar. When you get inside the oppidum after leaving the corridor, a trail of stone blocks the way. This is an anthropomorphic figure, subtly veiled by some slight incisions and having sculpted in high relief both arms and both hands placed on the belly. It can be identified without difficulty with a deity of fertility. Near the trail there is a window that communicates with a small chapel that is inserted into the cella or holy of holies of the Sanctuary.
How did we come to know the Iberians rituals?
New methodologies for integrating research in different disciplines such as zooarchaeology, the Carpology the anthracology, applied chemistry, arqueostronomía or geomatics, archeology course also have allowed within a GIS, information crossing since the field phase to enable the reconstruction of ritual and liturgy of worship and then recreate 3D models following the hypothetical effects on the archaeological site itself is working in real experiments, which is what we do today.
What is the ritual they represent?
There is a dramatic enactment of the rite, that is something I recommend you do later in the dissemination phase of the rite. What we do today is an experimental recreation of the volumes of the gate and the shrine to observe the effects of the movement of the sun at the equinoxes ortho on the study area. In previous studies we now know that at dawn, seven days which Ecuador is the equinox, the wake of divinity illuminates before the rest of the door, causing a phenomenon that continues hierophany few minutes later, in a second step when the wake in the middle of the area and all of it lit by the sun, it begins to darken from top to bottom, while the environment remains illuminated. We found that the effect is caused by the sun projected on the wake up Shadow Gate Bridge. This year we extend testing to the sanctuary as we have seen with 3D models, when the goddess sunlight darkens could get to the bottom of an integrated space cult cave. And let the light reach out to it, when the goddess lights again.
What symbolism in it?
Undoubtedly a fairly frequent in the Mediterranean fertility rite case. The goddess is the sun, and the light of the male deity, after the long winter, light fruitful, as the fruits of the earth, a symbolic hierogamy and certainly, if the effect of the cave is real previously required a visit to the underworld to retrieve someone, maybe the dead male god and thus resurrected with the help of the goddess: the case of Baal or Melqart with Astarte Aphrodite Adonis, Attis with Cybele .
How to perform the ritual and how people participate?
Actually it is not yet open to the public, we have allowed for the moment that can assist industry professionals and the media. However it seems that this will be the last experiment we do and the next spring equinox, with the interpretation center open oppidum, trust that can be opened to the public.
What days, what times and where they will be carrying out the rituals?
Three days before the equinox and the three after dawn on the Puerta del Sol.
They are also working on a project to make a digital library. What is?
Yes, we participate in the European project 3D ICON which aims to develop 3D models for web Europeana, a digital library Europeana. Here they will be integrated cases as the Palace of Versailles, the Hill of Tara, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Colosseum. For our part we scan the movable and immovable Iberian culture of Andalusia, from the sculptural group to own Cerrillo White Sun Gate Bridge Tables. We expect that the models digitized over 500, are exposed in Europeana next year
In recent years 3D technology being applied. What enables this type of reconstruction?
The 3D work is twofold, firstly facilitates compression of the archaeological remains, sometimes very difficult to understand, to view them and circulate them with the additional information that further explains and allows reconstructions and uprisings spaces and structures that no longer exist. The second approach is novel because it is the association of the 3D to the process of excavation. We have this year to work on rebuilding the shrine while excavating and thus we created a dialogue between the 3D and the archaeological dig that has been very useful, not only for the interpretation of the building and its functions, but also to rethink about progress some of the objectives of the intervention.
Rituales íberos en el siglo XXI
En España muchas veces miramos hacia fuera, interesándonos culturas apasionantes como los egipcios, los griegos, lo romanos... Pero no nos hace falta abandonar nuestra piel de toro para encontrarnos con culturas y yacimientos igual de atractivos, incluso más. Tal es el caso de la cultura protohistórica de los Iberos. En los próximos días se llevará a cabo uno de sus rituales en el sur de España al que podrá asistir todo el que quiera. Tuvimos la oportunidad de hablar con Arturo Ruiz, director del Centro Andaluz de Arqueología Ibérica de la Universidad de Jaén, que nos contestó varias preguntas en torno a esta cultura. Por David Benito
19 de septiembre de 2014
¿Quiénes eran los Iberos?
¿Cómo vivían estas gentes y que organización política y social tenían?
¿En qué zona de la Península Ibérica estuvieron asentados?
A nivel cronológico, ¿en qué horquilla temporal vivió este pueblo prerromano?
Se suele identificar el desarrollo de la cultura de los iberos entre el s. VI a.C. y el s. I a.C., sabiendo que a partir del s. II los romanos ya habían conquistado el territorio ibero. No obstante a pesar de este hecho político muchas de las características culturales iberas perduran al menos hasta la época de Augusto o incluso de los Flavios en el s. I d.C. Como la escritura, rituales de enterramiento, estructura social de linajes...etc
En el caso concreto de la "La Puerta del Sol", ¿dónde se encuentra y qué tipo de yacimiento se encuentra?
¿Podría describirnos la puerta y explicarnos su función y simbología a la que se asocia?
¿Cómo hemos llegado a conocer los rituales Iberos?
¿En qué consiste el ritual que representan?
No se trata de una escenificación dramatizada del rito, eso es algo que recomendamos se haga con posterioridad en la fase de divulgación del rito. Lo que realizamos en la actualidad es una recreación experimental de los volúmenes de la puerta y del santuario para observar los efectos del movimiento del sol en los ortos de los equinoccios, sobre el área estudiada. Por ensayos anteriores hoy sabemos que cuando amanece, durante siete días cuyo ecuador es el equinoccio, la estela de la divinidad se ilumina antes que el resto de la puerta, lo que provoca un fenómeno de hierofanía que continua algunos minutos después, en una segunda etapa, cuando la estela en medio de la zona ya iluminada toda ella por el sol, comienza a ensombrecerse, de arriba abajo, en tanto su entorno se mantiene iluminado. Hemos comprobado que el efecto lo provoca que el sol al levantarse proyecta sobre la estela la sombra del puente de la puerta. Este año la experimentación la extendemos al santuario pues hemos observado con los modelos 3D, que cuando la diosa se ensombrece la luz del sol podría llegar al fondo de una cueva integrada en el espacio de culto. Y dejaría de llegarle luz a la ésta, cuando la diosa se vuelve a iluminar.
¿Qué simbología hay en él?
Sin duda alguna un caso bastante frecuente en el Mediterráneo de rito de fertilidad. La diosa que se encuentra con el sol, con la luz de la divinidad masculina, después del largo invierno, luz que la fecunda, como a los frutos de la tierra: una hierogamia simbólica y que seguramente, si el efecto de la cueva es real, exige previamente una visita a los infiernos para recuperar a alguien, tal vez al dios masculino muerto y que de este modo resucita con la ayuda de la diosa: es el caso de Baal o Melkart con Ashtarte de Adonis con Afrodita, de Atis con Cibeles.
¿Cómo llevan a cabo el ritual y de qué forma participa la gente?
En realidad todavía no está abierto al público, hemos permitido por el momento que puedan asistir los profesionales del sector y los medios de comunicación. No obstante parece que este será el último experimento que hagamos y en el próximo equinoccio de primavera, con el centro de interpretación del oppidum abierto, confío que se podrá abrir al público.
¿Que días, a qué horas y donde se van a llevar a cabo los rituales?
Los tres días anteriores al equinoccio y los tres posteriores al amanecer en la misma Puerta del Sol.
También están realizando un proyecto de hacer una biblioteca digital. ¿En qué consiste?
Sí, participamos en el proyecto europeo 3D ICON que tiene como objetivo elaborar modelos en 3D para la web Europeana, que es una biblioteca digital de la UE. Aquí se van a integrar casos como el palacio de Versalles, la Colina de Tara, la torre inclinada de Pisa o el Coliseo. Por nuestra parte digitalizamos la cultura ibera mueble e inmueble de Andalucía, desde el conjunto escultórico de Cerrillo Blanco hasta la propia Puerta del Sol de Puente Tablas. Pretendemos que los modelos digitalizados, mas de 500, estén expuestos en Europeana el año próximo
Estos últimos años están aplicando la tecnología 3D. ¿Qué permite este tipo de reconstrucciones?
El trabajo en 3D tiene una doble vertiente, de una parte facilita la compresión de los restos arqueológicos, a veces muy difícil de entender, al poder verlos y circular por ellos, con la información añadida que los explica y además permite realizar reconstrucciones y levantamientos de los espacios y estructuras que ya no existen. La segunda vertiente es también novedosa porque se trata de la asociación del 3D al propio proceso de excavación. Este año hemos podido trabajar en la reconstrucción del santuario al tiempo que excavábamos y con ello hemos creado un dialogo entre el 3D y la excavación arqueológica que ha sido muy útil, no solamente para la interpretación del edificio y sus funciones, sino también para replantear sobre la marcha algunos de los objetivos de la intervención.