traducido por Federico Dilla
The Souls of Purgatory
The Souls of Purgatory, far from those horrible, vengeful ghosts that long we sold the television and popular belief, are quite the contrary, the fruit of the infinite mercy that our God has for us, His creation, often ungrateful and bad for our God.
Death was always a mystery rooted in man's existence, a dark, painful subject and often avoided by our culture, and we understand death as synonymous end.
Many beliefs talk about different destinations of the soul after it leaves the body of the deceased, but for us Christians, death is simply the way to the "real life", "eternal life".
That is why our faith, if you know the fate of the soul after death, that far from being wandering in an undefined space or just die with the body, is claimed by our Lord, the price paid on the Cross, to participate with Him, true happiness which presupposes share eternal life in paradise, forever contemplating the face of God.
The soul of the Christian is invited to participate from the baptism of Heaven, to become a "Holy God", to enjoy, enjoy, love, feel and experience true love which is God himself with all his heavenly entourage. But it is here that God our Lord, respecting our freedom not force our souls to follow him to Heaven, otherwise we will choose the destination for our eternity. And in this election there are only two ways: Heaven or Hell.
Thinking lightly we wonder, who would ever choose Hell ?, but oddly enough there are many who choose this path. Is the hate, envy, debauchery, lack of charity, tibia life and selfless things of God make in life and make a full rejection of God, steeped in sin and without this we care too are making an implicit acceptance of what Satan offers. That's why time after death, our own state of wickedness and sin can lead us to choose life and a wrong way ...
However, there is where it starts to play more fully the Mercy of God, in response to a sincere repentance and a total desire to be with him. The Purgatorio, help us to burn all traces of sin burden on your soul journey to heaven, so stand before our Lord, clean, pure, completely free from all bondage.
It is a transitional state of purification necessary for those who, having died in God's grace and having secure their salvation, require further purification to reach the holiness necessary to enter heaven. This purification is totally different from the punishment of hell.
Purgatory is a doctrine of faith contained in the Councils of Florence (cf. DS 1304) and Trent (cf. DS 1820; 1580).
God created human beings to enjoy their Creator seeing him in glory. However all have sinned and in that condition can not enter heaven because nothing defiled can enter heaven; therefore, we all need redemption of Jesus Christ to go to Heaven. Jesus cleanses us with the power of his blood to be admitted to heaven. Salvation is possible only through Jesus Christ. If we die in God's grace is because we have received this grace through the merits of Jesus Christ who died for us on the cross. Purification of purgatory is also thanks to Jesus Christ.
Purgatory is necessary because few people so perfectly open to the grace of God here on earth to die clean and able to go straight to heaven. So many go to purgatory where the same merits of Jesus complete purification.
Accordingly, the soul in purgatory has already been freed from their sins, but as they did on earth sufficient penance, must now suffer the penalty of purgatory, which eliminates in his being "any rust or stain sin "and disponiéndole for perfect and blissful union with God.
St. Catherine of Genoa in his treatise of Purgatory, gives us a clear example to understand the purpose of the passage through Purgatory and its effect on the soul:
"Imagine a lover, although wholeheartedly want to join his beloved, seeing himself full of miseries in the soul and body in any way want to make their conjugal union while not recover perfect health that makes him worthy it. The same power of love takes you, then, without hesitation, to submit to a clinic severe and painful psychic and somatic treatments, provided sooner rid of all miseries that make the union unworthy and impossible. Well, after death, the soul in love with God, who still sees itself many miseries unpurified feel the need purificatory as he undergoes, grateful to God's mercy, to be arranged as soon as possible to perfect union with the Lord "
Biblical foundation of the existence of Purgatory
The doctrine of the Church on Purgatory basis in the Bible, when it is able to interpret correctly:
The text of 2 Maccabees 12: 43-46 assumes that there is a purification after death.
(Judas Maccabaeus) "made up a collection among his soldiers ... so there was offered a sacrifice for sin ... Well ... believed in a valuable reward for those who die in God's grace ... he offered this sacrifice for the dead; that they might be forgiven of their sin. "
Also the words of our Lord:
"Whoever blasphemes against the Son of Man will be forgiven; instead, insulting the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this world or the next. "Mt 12:32.
"When you go with your adversary to the magistrate, try on the way to settle with him, lest he drag you to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and the officer throw you into prison. I tell you will not get out until you have paid the last penny. "Lucas 12.58 to 59
In these passages Jesus speaks of a temporal punishment that can not be hell nor heaven.
You reach such a conclusion in the letter of St. Paul, 1 Corinthians 3: 12-13:
"For the base nobody can change; it is laid, namely Jesus Christ. But, with this foundation, if you build with gold, silver or other precious stones, wood, hay and stubble, the work of each will come to discover. The day of judgment will be revealed because everything will discover fire. The fire will test each one's work: if his work resists fire, will be awarded; but if work becomes ashes, he will have to pay. He will be saved, yet so as by fire. "
So there is a fire after death that different from hell, is temporary. The soul that happens there will be saved. In this state of purgation we call the "purgatory".
1 Corinthians 15:29: "Otherwise, what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise no Why are they then baptized for the dead?"
The word "baptism" is used here as a metaphor for suffering or penance (Mark 10.38 to 39; Luke 3:16; 12:50). Paul writes about a practice among Christians "baptized" for the dead. The no condemnation, but it exalts as valid because it shows faith in the resurrection.
Compare 1 Corinthians 15:29 with 2 Maccabees 12,44 and see the similarity.
Message No. 23-8 / 12 / 99,17: 00 Hs.
(I see the Virgin mourn blood and shows me a picture of the world while telling me :) "This is the world where my children are killed"
The pains of purgatory
Although not doctrine-defined, it remains common doctrine that the greatest suffering in purgatory is the "no penalty", because souls are temporarily deprived of the beatific vision. However, there is no comparison between this suffering and the pains of hell. Purgatory is temporary and therefore carries the hope of seeing God face to face someday. The souls carry it with patience, then realize that purification is necessary. Generously accept God's love and with perfect submission to his will.
The pains of purgatory are proportional to the degree of sin of each person. It is likely that the pains of purgatory gradually decrease and increase in them the joy of the nearby entrance into heaven. These souls have full assurance of salvation and have faith, hope and charity. They know that they themselves are in friendship with God, confirmed in grace.
Regarding penalties, says St. Catherine of Genoa in his book "Treaty of Purgatory," which is experienced at once, great joy and great sorrow:
"It is true that the love of God, which is in the soul, as I understand, it gives such great joy that can not be expressed; but this contentment, at least the souls in purgatory, not take away their part of it. And is that love which is as retarded, which causes the death penalty; a sentence that is far more cruel is more perfect love that God makes it able. So, enjoy the souls in purgatory of a great content, and suffer while a huge penalty; and one thing does not preclude the other "
"When the soul, inner vision, is so attracted by God with such fire of love that is in your mind, you feel all melt in the heat of the fiery love of his sweet God. And God sees only pure love, never fails to attract her and take her total perfection ".
"When the soul sees this, showing it God with their light; when it finds itself one obstacle that keeps you follow that attraction, that unitive look that God has led him to draw her; and when, with the light that makes you see what matters, is retarded to continue the attractive force of that unitive look, it's worth generates suffering those in purgatory. "
Maria Simma, humble peasant North of Austria, who died two years ago, who had the gift of seeing and talking to the souls in purgatory referred us the following about Purgatory:
"I would say it's a great invention by God. And here I would like to propose an image all mine. Suppose that one day a door opens and an extraordinarily beautiful being, of such beauty, never seen on earth appears. Here are fascinated, disturbed by the SER of light and beauty, the more he proves to be madly in love with you (so you never have imagined); realize that he also has a great desire to attract to itself, to embrace; and the fire of love burning in their hearts and pushes likely to rush into his arms. But you realize, at that moment, that for months they wash, they stink, they feel horribly ugly; have a runny nose, greasy hair and stuck together, horrible dirt stains on clothing, etc., etc. Then they say to themselves: "No, it is not possible that I present in this state !. must wash before me, I shower and then quickly return to him ...". But here that love born in their hearts is so intense, so strong, so scorching that this delay because the shower is absolutely unbearable. And the same pain of absence, even if it lasts only a few minutes, causing a terrible heartburn. And indeed, this ardor is proportional to the intensity of the revelation of love is a flame of love.
Well, Purgatory is exactly this. It is a delay imposed by our impurity, a delay before the embrace of God, a flame of love that makes suffer terribly; an expectation, or want, a nostalgia, Love. It is precisely this Llama, this ardent longing which cleanses us from all that is still impure in us. I would say that Purgatory is a place of desire, the mad desire for God, God has already been recognized and seen, but which the soul is not yet attached.
The souls in Purgatory often speak with Mary on this great desire, thirst with God, and how that desire is deeply painful for them; It is undoubtedly true agony. In practice Purgatory is a great crisis, a crisis that stems from the lack of God.
Is God sends souls to Purgatory?
It is the very soul who wants to go to purgatory to be purified before entering Paradise. But here it must also say that the soul, when in Purgatory, adheres perfectly to the will of God; for example, is proud of the good and want our good; experienced so much love for God, and also by those who are still on earth. These souls are perfectly united to the Spirit of God or, if you will, to the Light of God.
Therefore the soul that experiences this love of God and by God, if he found another major purgatory purgatory, to remove that impediment soon be contemplating the face of God, there would be launched within in an entirely voluntary basis, by the impetus of that love which does conform to God and the soul.
What are the sins that most often lead to Purgatory?
Are the sins against charity, against love of neighbor, hardness of heart, hostility, slander. The curse and slander are among the most serious sins that need a long purification.
Here is a very enlightening story, based on the experience of a mystic of our times: "You will be asked to mysticism, inform if a man and a woman; were in purgatory. To the astonishment of those who had requested it, the woman was already in Heaven and man in Purgatory. But actually this woman died after an abortion, while men often went to church and lived a life apparently quite worthy and pious. The Seer (Maria Simma) is reported again, thinking it might have been mistaken. But no, it was like this: in fact the two were killed at one time, but the woman had sincerely repented of what he had done, and had been very humble; instead the man, even religious, judging everything and everyone, always lamented, spoke ill of people, and criticized. So his purgatory was very long. Conclusion: "Never judge by appearances".
Other sins against charity are, indeed, all our repudiation to some people who do not love, our refusal to make peace, pardon, and all grudges we locked in the heart. That's why when you leave this world, we halle death without debts of any kind to anyone, at peace with everyone, free of rancor and resentment. So we must try not to take wrong with people and especially if we have differences or injunctions, namely apologize and forgive. The soul should not be tied to any resentment of the earth.
A soul visited the mystic, who asked why they stay in purgatory; and is told she had a friend, with which a very great enmity arose; and this enmity was caused by it and, nevertheless, had preserved his grudge for years and years; and when her friend, in various circumstances, had come to ask you to make peace, to reconcile, she refused; and when he fell seriously ill, he had kept his heart closed to reject the peace that was set before him; and even on his deathbed, that friend had come to beg him to make peace; but even in his deathbed she had rejected reconciled. For this reason it is still in a very painful purgatory, and why he had come to ask for help to mysticism.
This testimony about the severity of preserving the rancor is very significant. As regards the words, never say enough about how a word of criticism, an evil word can actually kill, and also how a good word can heal.
Purgatory and its relationship with the Mystical Body of Christ
There are three states in the Church:
1- The pilgrim Church on earth, this is us until the day we die.
2- The purgative church (in purgatory) are the dead who have not gone to heaven. For these we pray the day of the dead, on 2 November.
3- the church triumphant, and glorified in heaven, these are the saints we celebrate the November 1st.
The members of the Mystical Body can help each other, while on earth and after death. Everyone in grace can pray for the souls blessed enjoyment; necessary, at least, be in a state of sanctifying grace to gain indulgences for the dead.
How can we help the souls in Purgatory?
Our prayer for the souls of the departed can only help those who are in purgatory and hell's condition is irreversible and those who are in heaven do not need prayer, but as we are not sure if a soul is in the purgatory or not (except in the case of those who have been brought to the altar), always pray for all the deceased. Our prayers for the souls in purgatory can reduce their sentences in intensity and duration. When these souls go to heaven (formerly can not) certainly will pray for their benefactors.
The worry of paying for the souls in Purgatory is not only a duty of justice and charity, is also a great benefit, because the souls in Purgatory are very grateful for the relief we give them and protect us. If we pray in suffrage for them, they certainly respond praying for us. Their prayers are very effective, because they are holy and seek immense benefits for both our physical and spiritual life.
Among the works of repose of the souls in Purgatory, there are three that have a great effect: Prayer, Mass and Indulgences.
In liturgical prayers of the Church, it is frequently invoked the angels and the saints for the suffering Church, that is, for the souls in purgatory.
Our Mother, reveals through his message to Marcia, the necessity of prayer and the Holy Mass for the souls in Purgatory and in line with what the doctrine and tradition of our brand Catholic Church tells us and encourages Benditas to provide for them:
Message No. 34 - 22/12/99, 17:00 Hs.
(I asked the Holy Mother how I can help the souls in purgatory to alleviate their suffering and said :)
"You must pray much for them, especially the Rosary and offer Masses in his name"
Message No. 192 - 25/10/00, 17:30 hs.
"Dear children, today I especially ask you to pray for the souls in Purgatory; as they are in dire need of your prayers, because by themselves they can not pray.
Children, once they get to heaven, you do not know how they pray for you!
I give you My Maternal blessing.
Amen, Amen. "
Message No. 328 - 09/06/01, 16:30 hs.
"Dear children,
Today I invite you again to pray for the souls in purgatory. They need your prayers, My little ones. They pray for you, but can not pray for themselves, therefore, much need of your prayers! ... "
It's like a snack that our soul goes to heaven. Also a simple invocation, an aspiration, a sacrifice, a brief act of love for God, have extraordinary effectiveness of suffrage. Among the prayers we can pray prevail: the Office of the Dead, Psalm 50, the Via Crucis, and the Holy Rosary. All these and other prayers must be added Confession and Holy Communion;
It is necessary that at the death of a loved one,
all relatives confess and receive Holy Communion for that soul.
All means of prayer for the souls are valid. in some
Places, especially in the interior of our country, it follows
Making a very healthy habit, praying a novena for
The soul of the deceased. Usually it starts the most
Immediately possible to burial, devoutly praying the Holy
Requiem Rosary and prayers for the repose of the soul During the nine days.
One Mass is of infinite value to them. Theologians divided into three parts the fruit of the Mass:
- One part is in the interest of all members.
- Some goes ahead of the priest who celebrates it.
- The third part is for the benefit of who is coming, and this part is applicable to the souls in Purgatory.
The Mass is not divided into three parts, strictly speaking, but carries with it three forms of the infinite treasure of Jesus: The Church, the Priest and the Living or Souls.
It is not enough to celebrate one Mass for the dead, it is necessary to hold many.
The Indulgence:
An indulgence is a remission of temporal punishment due for sins, the Church grants under certain conditions the soul in grace, applying abundant merits and satisfactions of Christ, the Virgin and Saints, which constitute his treasure and which vanish on earth in whole or in part debt also annulling a soul in heaven. There plenary and partial indulgence.
To gain the indulgence is necessary to be in a state of grace and have the intention of winning. By the Communion of Saints we can help the deceased, the Church gives us the power to apply this immense treasure of mercy, thus reducing their penalties are meeting the sins committed during the present life.
Indulgences are spiritual treasures with which the temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven forgiven. Indulgences can be applied to us or to the souls in purgatory. Pope Paul VI in 1967 issued rules on indulgences. Every day you can win one plenary indulgence and unlimited partial.
Everything about Indulgences will treat in more detail in our next issue of September of this Bulletin.
Other Suffrages:
The Church offers the Eucharistic sacrifice for the dead on the occasion, not only holding funerals, but in the third, seventh and thirty days, and on the anniversary of the death; the celebration of the Mass for the repose of the souls of the departed own is the Christian way of remembering and prolong, in the Lord, fellowship with those who have already crossed the threshold of death. On November 2, moreover, the Church repeatedly offered the Holy Sacrifice for all the faithful departed, through which also celebrates the Liturgy of the Hours.
Every day, both in the celebration of the Eucharist and Vespers, the Church does not cease to implore the Lord with prayers, to give to "the faithful who have gone before us with the sign of faith ... and all that rest in Christ, the place of comfort, light and peace ".
It is therefore important to educate the faithful in light of the Eucharistic celebration in which the Church prays that are associated with the glory of the Risen Lord all the faithful of all times and places, avoiding the danger of a vision possessive and particularistic of the Mass for the "proper" deceased. The celebration of the Mass for the dead is also an opportunity for catechesis on the last things.
Our Angel de la Guarda and Purgatory
A very important detail to keep in mind is that our Angel
Guardian also accompanies us in Purgatory, since the will to
Our side at all times until our definitive entry into Paradise, and
That's the mission that God entrusted to him.
Will also be present at the time of our personal judgment as an eyewitness to the events of our lives, both merit and sin
Committed. One more reason to think twice before falling into sin.
The Myth of Ghosts
There are many testimonies of people who comment from personal experience or experience known to have hit visions and manifestations obviously not of "this world" or hearing noises, see moving objects or simply feel the sense of not being alone in a room.
Our culture has given a name to these events and has distorted the meaning and even the facts related to these phenomena. We must bear in mind that although they happen, they can also be confused with many other things, it may even be, a trick of our own mind, subject often to a very volatile imagination, some particular disorder or simply fear that the issue arouses.
From our faith, we can say that "Ghosts do not exist" as we conceive, in any case, are the blessed souls in Purgatory who are around and we demonstrate, by Grace and God's permission, with the intention of praying for them and through believing them to increase our Christian faith.
If at some point in our earthly life we encounter the experience of seeing or have direct contact with souls in purgatory, we have to take it as a great privilege for us to be searched and called for souls for a task of such responsibility: the offer prayer and other votes for the repose of the souls who might need only a few sentences or a few masses to reach the eternal presence of God. As we have said in another chapter, we will have won for us effective intercessors with God.
There is a big difference between "invoke or evoke (call) the dead" (practice of divination used by spiritualism, ouija, and other practices related to Satanism) and quite another thing to "let God sovereignly arrange the things of best way ". God can allow, in His immense goodness and mercy, that some purging souls seek their brethren of the Church Militant.
Are the souls in purgatory (not us on earth) which seek to aid, vote, prayers when they visit. We on earth can not evoke these visits, only the respect and respond to help (especially offering Mass).
If a particular visit a soul from purgatory occurred or not does not change our faith. But it would be a great lack despise the manifestations of heaven or purgatory without reason.
The Holy Souls, with their apparitions, they always look good: promotion of catechesis, more fervor, more devotion, increase love the Holy Eucharist Prayer Life promote the practice of Charity, watch over one another in their defects and vices to destroy by way of confession and conversion, etc.
The main thing is not to fear and appear ready to help on your order.
In order to encourage more knowledge in us all
Regarding the souls in purgatory, put on your hand
A small list of those saints and mystics, who dedicated
Part of his life to the souls in Purgatory, who had and have
Direct contact with them and therefore are an example to
Follow and imitate. Recommend any good bibliography
Printing that relates to them and their relationship to this side many
Unknown of our faith sometimes.
St. Gemma Galgani
San Gregorio Magno (Papa)
St. Bridget of Sweden.
St. Catherine of Genoa (Treaty of Purgatory).
St. Faustina Kowalska (seer of Merciful Jesus).
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (seer of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus)
St. Veronica Giuliani.
St. Gertrude of Helfta.
Maria Simma (deceased in 2004), recognized by the Catholic Church, whose stories were compiled largely by a nun called Sister Emmanuel and captured in a book with the title "The Wonderful Secret of the Souls in Purgatory" and "Souls I've been told. "
Marcia and his experience with the Holy Souls
... This time, having recently entered the Cenacle, at the seer, was when I heard about for the first time "the souls in purgatory," but my surprise was greater when on another occasion, chatting with Marcia, I noticed that his eyes diverted over my right shoulder, obviously distracted by something, just looking at me with those eyes so particular said: "There is a soul behind you stop" ...
Like the mystics and saints above, Marcia has not only apparitions of Our Mother of Jesus and the angels, too, and with a fairly regular basis, is visited by souls in Purgatory, at any time and place of the day . Based on these appearances she has had very many experiences with souls, has maintained conversations with them and learned a lot from that part of the spiritual world, so disturbing, of which very little is spoken.
From that experience, the need of souls that is known about purgatory is apparent that everyone knows that at some point, at the end of his life, with the Grace and Mercy of God, go through this top rung of suffering love before entering the Glory of God and above all, know that we can do something for them to shorten their stay in Purgatory and for us, as we have seen, in order to merit help us shorten the time spent in purgatory.
Marcia that souls are often seen from around the world, their dress or because they did know, as well as from different eras. Some are adults, youth and children.
While it is too long to tell all the experiences of Marcia with souls, we must refer a fact that calls attention today, according to what she tells us, has increased the number of souls that manifest, and we conclude this hits close to us all, members of the mystical body of the pilgrim Church on earth: Now more than ever, the dead have risen in the world for various reasons, new diseases, natural disasters, crimes and murder, war ... and in this spiritual state of the world, where prayer tends to diminish and Fe to decline in many adds.
The souls in large numbers, have much need for prayer, but very few who remember them and devote votes to shorten its passage through purgatory. That is why, through Marcia, this experience becomes a plea for help for all of us, an order from heaven, for those souls who ultimately ourselves in a future not too far.
A soul in Purgatory looks great on the day of his funeral: if you truly pray for him or if you simply made an appearance to show that it is there. They say that the tears are useless to help them. Instead serves much prayer. Often these souls lament the fact that people attend his burial, but do not raise one prayer to God; shed many tears, but that's useless.
The Blessed Virgin visit Purgatory
The Blessed Virgin also visit Purgatory in order to comfort the souls and encourage them in their state amendments.
It is known by revelation that when she comes to Purgatory souls longer suffer the period that she is there. Also, thanks to its presence many souls are released by same She's suffering in Purgatory, especially on Christmas Day, Feast of All Saints, Good Friday, Assumption of Mary into Heaven and Ascension of our Lord Jesus.
Mary also has to have a special attention to those children who are consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart, with devotion and have managed to bring the best possible life according to what is proposed in the Consecration.
As we know there is a special promise made by the same Virgin Mary, His title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel or Nuestra Señora del Carmen, to all those who with true devotion the Scapular with the rest of his life. In this promise, Mary tells us that all who devoutly wear the Scapular, she herself will go to purgatory soul and take you to Heaven, the next most close to the date of death Fridays. That is, at best, that blessed soul in Purgatory will no more than 7 days, it really means nothing eternity.
In principle spiritualism is a sham because the man can not handle at will "call" souls and make them come. In practice the presence of a spirit is evoked through pagan rituals, asking that spirit that manifests itself in some way. In these demonstrations are the demons and the devil who pretend to be the soul of who calls.
Therefore Spiritualism is a Satanist practice with dire consequences for the soul and life of those who practice and promote it, so you have to stay away from these things.
Are the souls in Purgatory which occur without anyone to call, just to the Will of God and in order to seek help us to alleviate or shorten their stay in purgatory.
"... Marcia and each class had brought his recorder in order to record what was said by the teacher to avoid taking note and pay more attention to the issue that was taking place. It was late in the school building, which functioned as overnight Tertiary school, listened in silence, only cadente voice teacher in the class dictation. However, listening to the tape at home, surprise invaded us all listeners as something strange on the tape: it was a sound incredibly defined background to the voice of the teacher, a buzz out of the ordinary, as if were a huge number of children in the playground. They pay attention could be heard wailing and sobbing eerie, ethereal sounds and screams. But what struck us most for its clarity, was the supplicant and plaintive request of a child by his mother ... They were children, child souls in Purgatory "
Small Prayer Book of Prayer for blessed souls in Purgatory
Now that we know how to help, we want to share with you some prayers and crowns that are received by willingly effective in relieving them passing through Purgatory souls.
While there are many prayers but we want from these few, encourage them to search for other prayers and offering prayers for our souls in purgatory.
Carmelite devotion hundred Requiem
This practice consists of ten Our Fathers, Hail Mary and Glory. For this, you can help the common Rosario.
After the sign of the cross, the invocation of the Holy Spirit is done to make this prayer with fruit, begins with this sentence:
"Holy Animas, ye purging souls, pray to God for me; I will pray for you; so that grant you the glory of the heavenly paradise soon. "
The following is a Prayer, Hail Mary and Glory Father and then say ten times in each bead of the Rosary, "Give, Lord eternal rest and make them look over your eternal light."
After the first ten the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory is repeated and the second is said so on until completed ten, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory and the hundred in the last Requiem adding the following psalm:
De Profundis clamavis:
From the depths I heard voices crying out to you oh Lord, because the Lord hear my voice.
Hear, O Lord, to the cry of my supplications.
Well if you examine my sins far, who await good event?
Because only Vos piety and mercy is,
and because of your law, I have hoped in you, O Lord.
My soul is safe in his words, and waited on the Lord.
From the Sentinel in the morning until night, Israel wait on the Lord.
Because only God there is mercy and fullness of redemption of sins.
As He himself has to redeem Israel from all sins.
Glory to the Father, the Son, etc.
Final Prayer:
Dales, Lord eternal rest,
Ilumínelas eternal light.
From the gates of hell
Libra, Lord, their souls,
Rest in peace. Amen.
Supplications to Mary In The Holy Souls Relief Abandoned Del Mas PURGATORIO
Oh Mother of Mercy! great is your goodness, which you can not find miseries without pity. Behold, I pray, with eyes charitable afflicted souls suffering in Purgatory, unable to seek any relief in his tremendous punishment and moved away to compassion. By your mercy and love to have Jesus, we ask mitiguéis their sufferings, and ye study them eternal rest. But ah! how painful it must be for your maternal heart, the behavior of countless Christians, leaving forgotten the poor souls in Purgatory!They expect our votes, and hardly any who remember them!Oh Mary! deign to inspire the faithful a tender and living compassion for our deceased brothers: You Open to them a burning desire to provide for them satisfying work, and win, in his favor, few indulgences applicable to them so that soon you go there to enjoy God. Hear the prayers that we make them.
After every supplication saying: "We implore your help oh! Mother of Goodness ".
To come out of that dark prison,
For the forgiveness of their sins penalty,
To be abbreviate the time of their suffering,
For their scorching flames are out,
For a ray of heavenly light illuminating the horrible darkness,
To be consoled in their sad neglect,
To achieve relief from their pain and bitter anguish,
To change the sadness in perpetual joy,
To mitigate the burning thirst for eternal blessings,
To be filled soon your wishes vivísimos entering the glory,
For the souls of our parents and children,
For the souls of our brethren,
For the souls of our relatives,
For the souls of our friends,
For the souls of our benefactors,
For the souls suffering in those flames by our fault,
For the souls of those who in life made us suffer,
For the most destitute souls,
For the souls who suffer greater torments,
For the souls that are closer to enter heaven,
For the souls that during his life have loved most to you and your divine Son,
For the souls of those who suffer longer,
For all the blessed souls in Purgatory,
For your ineffable mercy,
For your immense power,
For your motherly kindness,
For your unique maternity,
For your precious tears,
For your bitter sorrows;
By your holy death,
For the five wounds of your beloved son,
By his divine blood shed for us,
By its very painful death on the tree of the Cross,
To apply the deceased abundantly pleas of living,
For the glorious legion of saints the helper incessantly,
For the nine choirs of angels receive them with joy,
For your maternal eyes throw them a look of compassion,
To make you happy sight of your divine Son,
For the contemplation of the Holy Trinity are you blessed,
To give you each day more fervent devotion to the souls,
To always more prayers, indulgences and works of satisfaction offered by them,
For souls who have escaped from purgatory, one day do the same with us.
Finally, pray the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory, for health, intentions and Holiness the Pope.
Deign, adorable my Savior, for your precious blood,
for your painful Passion and most cruel death;
by your august Mother torments suffered at the foot of the cross when I saw last breath;
deign to cast a glance of pity the deep bosom of Purgatory and take away the souls that temporarily deprived regime of sight, and who yearn for the time to meet with you in the heavenly paradise.
Mainly I pray for the soul of N ............... .., and more particularly those for whom I ask.
Do not be deaf, Lord my prayers, one to which all the faithful departed directs you our Holy Mother the Catholic Church, so that your mercy take them wherever with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns for ever ever.
Amen, Jesus.