jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

How do you spend time with those around you?

How do you spend time with those around you?
traducido por Federico Dilla

When we say a leader must have the ability to manage time, we tend to talk about the importance of knowing organize and organize others, know how to prioritize to separate the important from what is not so, and above all, make time in our favor as knowing that we are able to distribute it, we will have one or the other results.
Until here all right. However, in this article I want to talk about another concept of time management, and is referring to the people who make our teams, our employees, the people we lead. And I do not mean as you distribute your time, but how we handle the times regarding the development of his talent and growth. Ultimately, as we are able to individually treat each of our employees, knowing that each person is unique and unrepeatable, and therefore, must be treated individually.
Time management is very complex because it generates many questions about how we use and that moments go fast, or else, go slow. Let's see some examples may all have lived or know and we will see the importance of this concept is in the world of Leadership.

When we lose confidence in a partner. The delay time in many ways we generate great damage not to take decisions at the right time, thinking that things can change, although occasionally manage a topic about someone quickly give ourselves the ability to react in time . Failure to properly handle the times a person can make a problem "inwhichthe" and then the solution is much more complicated and sometimes traumatic, and finally took a late decision, it would be that we knew we had to take from principle, which leads us to start from "scratch" with the difficulties involved. This tends to happen to us when we find partners who do not get everything we need. One may wonder whether we could have done more for them, but not have handled accurately time can turn against us.
"A leader takes decisions, but sometimes are not popular or comfortable not mean you should not do it."

Our own "non-organization" can do to find a new profile to replace a person is not possible for us, because surely we are taking tasks we should not do, so we settle for what we have instead of looking for someone better. Here clearly time management is generating us a problem in the long term.

When we have partners with growth potential. Many times we find that the difficulty is not in our hands the ability of a person's development, since we have no influence on decision making in people who do have that ability to make decisions. How to handle the times here for a developing talent and potential that wants to move and has all the qualities to do not demotivate and instead continue to grow stagnate in routine ?. At this point it is best to have them occupied !!. Such employees can not "think", and when I say thinking I mean to have time to have the mind elsewhere. We must be able to leverage their strengths to your benefit, and therefore ours. Give them new responsibilities in tasks that they think, and it's true, they can keep improving.
What sin we commit as leaders sometimes ?. Treat everyone equally, and the "one size fits all" does not always must be a maximum, because also, sometimes, almost always, what we do is to match the bottom, instead of trying to match the top, and all do not offend anyone.

When you enter a new person in the organization. We must know that we will devote time to their integration and their training before letting him "only to danger." If we do not properly we may lose a great talent, because people when they are not integrated and do not know what to do, seem worse than they are. But the fault is not theirs, but ours as leaders, for failing to manage the time well.

Another example would be when we have also an urgency in the short term. This is also important to manage time well, because it may be more effective to design a strategy that until we find the right person or someone we form level for that position, we can deal among all cover that gap. That also provide employees with potential, since in most cases they can take over that task. Many times someone ends quickly promoting that we do not have matured enough to him, and say well, I do fail.

We can go on giving examples, but certainly you it occur to many more. The truth is that time management is a fascinating and complicated art, because it forces us to know perfectly each of our employees, their needs, our needs, especially the cadence with which we should treat each them.
That if to handle other times, we must ensure that we manage our own well, and we are not wasting our time dealing with minor matters the only thing we can report is not devote the time and attention needed to handle the "hands "talent that each of our employees within.

José Lorenzo Moreno López http://liderandoeltalento.blogspot.com.es/