jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Your life is the result of luck or your decisions?

Your life is the result of luck or your decisions?

Being in a coaching session with a client, decided to review some of the things that he believed had marked his life in a critical way, and that attributed to chance or coincidence ... "Suddenly this happened and ...... and I got caught ....

Published, edited by JOHN GOOD and Mila F. Guerrero
and signed and translated by Federico Dilla

Thus began the session. Do you play an important role chance in life, or is the decision-making process that directs ?.

Related how in his first professional steps in being a multinational, a friend told him that there were public squares "of those of life" and to be near his family, instead of continuing in a less comfortable city that was presented ... and ... "I passed by chance"; if I'd had to stay; I said "maybe I should have made ​​new friends, perhaps leave my girlfriend he was already used to being but little love and trying to say who I liked at that time did you try?".

He kept telling that when she told him the day and time that had to be married, said, "okay", I nodded without thinking too much: "I just think he had been a free date by chance or when he told me and it was all done. "He left to chance their first child ... "We did not put means if it came good but as well too ..." and a second "actually take long, I thought we would have no more, my I did not care, she was the one I wanted." He kept telling me: By chance free to stay a management position and ... that day I defended a project and was there ... And it was by chance that one day, with a theme of work someone gave me a reference I answered an email, and started to talk with someone who made ​​me feel otherwise. "He enjoyed, at that time I felt more loved, protected, well, no more." And it was the chance that my wife cotilleara my mobile, and forced me to leave that relationship ... and ... by chance I was recommended to come here.

Coincidence or causality?

In a world where you can not avoid living immersed in a degree of uncertainty, which for some strange reason the consequences of our actions or our omissions are sometimes beyond our scope of understanding apparent, the fact rely luck is in, almost inevitable to some extent to feel better.

We often wonder why things happen to us, instead of thinking about what we have thought. Ask why it is completely useless. It encourages us to see the situation the same way, sometimes as a problem and leads us to adopt the role of victim and feel helpless.

Instead, ask what allows us to see the same situation closely linked to accountability. A much more efficient and constructive attitude. Promotes we begin to consider the opportunity of learning linked to any experience, whatever it may be.

Quantum physics defines this random process, in the terms that "reality is a potential field of infinite possibilities, but only those that are referred to and accepted materialize." That is, right now, at this moment, our lives, our circumstances are the result of the way we have been thinking, deciding and acting for years.

In the East he came to the same conclusion in the V century BC. The law of karma states that "everything we think, say and do has consequences" which eliminates any possibility of falling into the pit of victimhood. Hence in case you make mistakes, the results allow us to evaluate decisions and behaviors, and can learn and evolve.

And in parallel, in the event that commit successes, these allow us to verify that we are living with some degree of understanding, insight and accumulated some wisdom.

This is the reason that the events that make up our lives are not governed by "chance" but for "causation."

If we come to believe we are here to have a job that allows us to pay the bills, if I chose to leave it to one or another feel loved or respected, or not to maintain a friendship, not to give aware of facts, yielding to imposition or conditions admit ... that is exactly what we will have designed for our lives, our thoughts, our decisions and behaviors.

Conversely, if we change our thinking and acting, have the option to change the course of our existence, other than reaping results. Simply believe that is possible is the first step.

Experiences that happen to us in the way they affect us, we can attribute to the good or bad luck, random, or chance. Others say that just happen because they had to happen and others simply do not pay any attention.

A decision coupled with skill, knowledge, intuition and effort away to the luck of the scene. Things that go wrong given the lack of these skills, or who do well through the exercise of these can not be blamed on the bad or good luck. External events that are part of our existence are often a reflection of our internal emotional processes. Hence the importance of knowing ourselves.
According to the law of synchronicity, "what happens to us, good or bad, is there to teach us something about ourselves, our way of enjoying life."

What have you learned from these decisions that say let others take you ?, How do you see yourself in seven years? What do you do to enjoy your life? I asked my client ...