lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014

The legend of the Blacksmith

The legend of the Blacksmith

Blacksmith history, after a youth full of excesses, decided to give his soul to God is counted.

For many years hard work, he practiced charity, but, despite all their dedication nothing perished go right in your life, but on the contrary their problems and debts are piling up every day.

A beautiful evening, a friend who visited him, and felt compassion for their plight, I tell him. "It's really strange that just after deciding to become a God-fearing man, your life has started to get worse not want to weaken your faith, but despite your beliefs in the spirit world, nothing has improved. "

The blacksmith did not answer right away, the thinking about it and had often without understanding what was going on with his life, however, as the friend did not want to leave unanswered, started talking, and I end up finding the explanation sought. Here's what he said the smith:

"In this workshop I get the steel even without working, and I turn it into swords. Did you know you as you do this? First, I heat the steel sheet to an infernal heat, until it heats up, right away, without any piety, took the heaviest hammer and I apply several strokes, until the piece acquires the desired shape, then dive into a bucket of cold water, and the whole workshop is filled with noise and steam, because the piece explodes and screams because of the violent change of temperature. gotta repeat this process until you get the perfect sword, once is not enough. "

The blacksmith was a long pause, and continued:

"Sometimes the steel reaches my hands does not bear this treatment. Heat, cold water hammering and eventually fill cracks. At that time, I realize that ever be transformed into a good sword blade and then, I just let the old iron mountain you see the entrance to my smithy. "

He paused again, and finished the blacksmith ...
.. "Is that God is he putting me in the fire of affliction accept the hammering that life gives me, and sometimes I feel so cold and unfeeling as the water that causes suffering to steel But the only thing I think is, My God , do not give up until I get to take the form that You expect me.

Try the way you think best, for the time you want, but never put me on the mountain of scrap iron of souls. "