jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Where does the term and how many times "useful fool" the you can apply to yourself?

Where does the term and how many times "useful fool" the you can apply to yourself?

Adolfo Rivero Caro
One of the attractions of the Communist Party Lenin was conceived by its highly elitist character. The party defined itself as "the conscious and organized vanguard of the working class." But what gave the communist vanguard party that character? It was, of course, knowledge of historical materialism, the theory supposedly scientific, about the "laws" of development of society. Equipped with it, any militant could not be explained only as a social problem may exist but could also know the practical solution of it. It's not as difficult as it seems. The root of all social problems was the existence of social classes and therefore the cure of all was at the disposal of them. The expropriation of the bourgeoisie would allow the elimination of "the exploitation of man by man." That required a tremendous cure social revolution to be carried out by militants devoted party. The consciousness of belonging to a group started in esoteric knowledge was one of the great attractions of the Communist Party.
Unlike the traditional political parties, members of the military had to Leninist party in an organism's party, attend meetings and fulfill their agreements. Take responsibility for their militancy was no easy task. It meant facing the hostility of the social classes that were not willing to accept the need for a social settlement associated too often with physical settlement. Hence the Communists were surrounded by many people, but to share their ideas, were not willing to share the drawbacks of the party membership. They were, of course, despised by the true revolutionaries. However, they were willing to perform tasks and, over time, the Communists discovered their immense utility. Without being communists, and even disagreeing in some senses comrades had the same positions on many important issues. Why? Because they were honest, the party said. Because they would not let bribed by the bourgeoisie and imperialism. These supporters could be taken as a tangible example of the force. the truth. They were very helpful. So much so that, in a moment of weakness, to Lenin escaped the phrase "useful idiots". Indeed, for the Communists, not stop being fools besides cowards. Fools because they resigned to be mere instruments, because they served the party's goals deliberately seeking social revolution, but indirectly, seeking the satisfaction of minimum partial objectives: peace and the rights of blacks, Indians, hunchbacks, lefties or any other causes which, for the true revolutionaries, only served as pretexts, such as crack forms of society, weaken the status quo and thereby facilitate social revolution.
Over time, the communists came up with the idea of ​​organizing these supporter of causes: those concerned about peace, concerned for fascism or groups with alleged specific problems such as youth workers or women. Military in one of these groups allowed to participate in the struggles of their communist without running risks. He praised them as combatants killed while being stimulated with numerous perks such as trips, scholarships and publication of their works. But what moved basically was nothing material but the atavistic feeling of the group, of the tribe. What was horrified the modern world: the fierce competition in the market.
Now, what has been done and have gotten those where parallel organizations of the Communist Party? What members of the World Federation of Trade Unions, the World Peace Congress, the International Union of Students, the World Federation of Democratic Youth, the Women's International Democratic Federation and others like it are currently engaged, created, subsidized and manipulated over decades by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ?. Incredibly these organizations have not disappeared. Still active. There are still those who financed. For example, we have these meetings are held as often in Havana. The last was the International Meeting of Solidarity between Women who participated in more than 2,000 delegates from 75 countries.
What was discussed at this meeting? Same as always. The bad thing is neoliberalism. "The socio-political system of Cuba and characteristics of its democracy and scientific and technological development. () And, of course," Consequences of Bacteriological Warfare against Cuba "...
This meeting was closed by Fidel Castro on 17 April in a speech of more than four hours. Fidel said that capitalism ... "is doomed by history ..." "What devouring imperialism, which developed capitalism, devouring neoliberalism devours, if not human flesh? Dramatically asked the Cuban dictator. With startling originality called the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank as "ministries of economy and finance of Yankee imperialism."
As noted by Reuters cable, delegates cheered Castro numerous times and one of them shouted: Fidel I love you! Same 0le shouted Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and Ho Chi Min. And Pol Pot. And Daniel Ortega, the incestuous. The world may change but the useful idiots and political clientele of socialism will never end.