Dear Diary, today I asked about what role it plays in all this world pornography ?. I think that for many will be the way to learn without spending much money and without ridicule often. For others it is a way to vent their energy avoiding violent affronts. For the third will be an art that unfairly not valued as such; if you move much more economy than the gross domestic product some countries. For rooms will be a world of things to renew their efforts to encourage their exhausted instincts. For the fifth will be a method of lowering the forbidden without anyone seeing them. For the sixth will be something perverted attached to mental weakness. For advocates of women's rights and human rights I do not have a very clear position. Dear Diary, you know everything; if you can answer me Does pornography involving violence? Is it or is not demeaning to women and for men? Dear Diary, everything you read and know the secrets of the people that you leave our thoughts, answer me. What produces more happiness? Is infidelity or fidelity? If I ask the question so broad could protest; I acoto why does the fidelity is one or both of the couple? Which of all possible combinations happiness achieved? Is he in it ?, ?, ?, their lovers at all? Dear Diary, I keep asking more questions. If infidelity occurs consent should we balance? I guess if we seek happiness and that of our partner, the answer would be yes. So what if we get happiness by being unfaithful, why continue with the partner? I do not dwell on the questions. If one partner imposes fidelity as a token of love for their happiness do we become contractual merchandise? Are we victims of blackmail? Could it be a quick way to end the couple? And if love is happiness and therefore implies resignation why fidelity is imposed? And why is he cheating? Dear Diary, so if I have clear is that jealousy and infidelity come violence. If I go deeper in thought I have to ask when we say that it really is true what you are faithful? To the couple? ¿To the future? To ourselves? ¿When love? What desires? ¿Al pleasure?This is me Ufff¡ complicated if we add the data from the environment around us at all times, because it was assumed formerly of the "lifetime", however today "we must modernize" and if you meet the "now", "then" and the "then", "now"; We are expelled from society. Dear Diary, I've studied hundreds of statistics is that infidelity occurs a day happiness and unhappiness of a life more times than fidelity. Sorry to leave you Dear diary because so much variation with repetition of these nine little letters'm having a bad headache.